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There is every reason to consider tobacco smoking the most harmful of bad habits, since it adversely affects not only the person addicted to cigarettes or cigar smoking, but also those around the smoker, who involuntarily inhale the smoke. Statistical reports on the impact of smoking on Americans show that 269,655 deaths annually among men and 173,940 deaths annually among women are tobacco-related. Some people might argue that the odds of circus joker, AIDS, car accidents, and homicides taking one’s life are greater than smoking a couple of baker, cigarettes a day. But the facts prove quite the opposite. Regular tobacco smoking, despite its apparent comparative harmlessness to illegal drugs or incurable diseases, kills more people every year than car accidents, illegal drugs, AIDS, murders, and suicides combined. In the circus joker essay US alone, approximately 400,000 people die each year from voluntary cigarette smoking. When we add the deaths from tobacco-related causes, primarily the impact of second-hand or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), the numbers exceed 430,000 people every year. Is this the price you are prepared to pay for critical essay topics allowing yourself to yield to this deleterious addiction? It is notable that some people in the US zealously argue against making tobacco smoking illegal. Their main argument is circus that it is a personal choice that everyone should be allowed to make. In a democratic society, does not everyone have a right to make their own conscious decisions, and even if it harms their health? Certainly, we cannot force someone to give up their personal right in favor of the collective good. Or can we? When it comes to tobacco, the harmful impact it has on problem selection criteria health and life goes beyond the person who is smoking. Circus Joker Essay? Researchers report that exposure to secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in the United States every year ( “Lung Cancer Fact Sheet”). Environmental smoke from tobacco products also causes an estimated 46,000 premature deaths from coursework heart disease each year in the United States among nonsmokers (“Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke”) . Furthermore, environmental tobacco smoke is also often considered responsible for SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and for causing serious health problems in children, which will affect their development and future life prospects (“Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke”). Do those around us, especially children, freely choose to essay, be exposed to the hazardous effects of tobacco smoke just because they are in immediate proximity to those who smoke on a daily basis? Is it fair to those who are victims of as geography, second-hand smoke? Most certainly not! Another impact of joker essay, tobacco smoking that is often underestimated is the pollution that it causes from a global perspective. Do smokers ever ask themselves: “Where do all the packs and cigarette butts go, where do they disappear to?” They do not just vanish. Critical Essay Topics? They pollute our environment, litter our streets, beaches, lakes, and seas. They not only spoil the aesthetics of our environment, but also harm animals and plants, enough of which are being killed every day even without this occurrence. It might seem to circus essay, be an issue of little importance. Problem Skills? After all, one can argue that a tiny cigarette butt is circus joker not even worth thinking about problem skills selection, when compared to circus joker essay, the many tons of litter we produce in our life’s routine activity. While this remains moot, it is instructive that over wonder 1.7 billion pounds of cigarette butts accumulate in lakes and oceans, and on essay beaches and essay scholarship, the rest of the planet’s surface every year. Does this put the issue of pollution from cigarettes into view? The water our children will drink, the places our neighbors will go on vacation, the circus joker habitat for fish, animals, and plants that we might someday end up eating—everything gets affected by the litter of tobacco products. A separate issue that needs to be discussed is tobacco addiction in teens and kids. Yes, it is illegal in most countries around the world, including the United States, to sell cigarettes to minors. But does it really help when all the tobacco products are still out there and teenagers still manage to find a way to access them, made even more desirable because it is prohibited? We all know that, despite prohibition, smoking among teenagers and children exists, simply because there is little control over wonder essay the selling of tobacco products, as is also the case with alcohol. It has become clear that only by completely prohibiting the sale of these products will we impact the issue globally and drastically bring down the numbers of death due to tobacco consumption. Why hasn’t anything been done in this regard yet? Why, despite all the awareness of the problem, we still see smokers every day on the streets, in restaurants or, what is essay worse, among our loved ones? Indeed, the answer is simple. The tobacco industry is one of the wonder most profitable businesses in the world. It makes hundreds of billions of dollars in circus the United States alone every year. This is why despite all of the cons of baker 2005 dissertation, tobacco smoking and all the harm it brings to essay, our societies, this industry is still successfully run and widely advertised. The time has come to reviewing, stop this engine of circus essay, death! Smoking does kill, slowly and dissertation, inevitably, not only those who choose to smoke, but also those around them: family, friends and circus essay, colleagues. The only way to protect us all from being exposed to the hazardous effects of tobacco smoke is by making cigar and cigarette smoking illegal both within and outside of the United States. Only by combining all of the essay scholarship resources of circus joker essay, International NGOs, governments, and individuals all around the globe can we fight this death machine run by a few who profit tremendously from the sales of tobacco products. Only collectively can we make this change happen. The time has come to critical, step up and make the first move in advocating making smoking illegal around the world. Thank you for your time! Sign up and we’ll send you ebook of 1254 samples like this for free !

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Mississippi schools come in #49 in many national rankings. Read these essays and poems by high school students from Columbus, Mississippi. Circus Joker! Then tell the folks who make up the rankings that they need a different algorithm. We Expect Too Much From Our Romantic Partners. Jim and I returned to Columbus, Mississippi, recently to see how development in the Golden Triangle was progressing, and to visit one of our favorite schools, The Mississippi School for reviewing literature dissertation, Mathematics and Science. Circus Joker Essay! The MSMS is a two-year public residential school for students of all races, ethnic groups, and economic backgrounds from all over Mississippi. You see a glimpse of the school and some of its students at work in problem solving skills criteria the science labs at the end of this Atlantic video produced this past fall. Ecru (in green), Starkville (orange), and Edwards (blue), Mississippi are the circus, home towns of the student authors in this post. Columbus, home city of the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science, is the small red dot near Starkville. (Esri) Don’t be fooled by the name of the school, with its emphasis on scholarship math and science. The school is joker essay, equally impressive in its humanities programs. We wrote about MSMS here and featured some of the essays from students last year here. We have more for you this year. Emma Richardson teaches the creative writing class at MSMS, and the essays and as geography poems here are all from her students. This is the first of two collections. As Jim and I have traveled the country over the last three years and circus joker have seen many, many schools, we have come to appreciate the deep dedication and wonder generosity of some special teachers. They are pouring their minds, talents, and hearts into their work, and they are changing the joker essay, fortunes of their students one life at wonder essay summaries, a time . Hats off to essay Emma Richardson and to Thomas Easterling, the wonder essay summaries, English teacher at MSMS who first found us and invited us to come to Columbus. Agrippa Kellum is from Starkville, Mississippi, and graduated from MSMS last May. He now studies government, information science, and philosophy at Cornell. Fish in Mississippi must rely merely on touch and smell to navigate our muddy rivers. Twenty walking-minutes from my residential public school in Columbus, Mississippi, a platform floats on the Tombigbee River. On it, I sit about an inch or two above the water. At no point in my life have I ever lived more than a thirty minute drive from this waterway, and at no point in my life has it ever looked familiar to me. It's solid brown and so opaque you could lose track of your own hand in this water. Life in Mississippi can be murky. Life here can be murky because I can't see out. I can't see what the rest of the world is circus joker essay, like. I've written emails to those who I think lead the kinds of lives I might want to live, to see what they have to say about life beyond the problem solving selection criteria, Tombigbee. But I can't see any of it for myself. I can't feel their surroundings like I feel mine. What's in joker essay Mississippi? Peering down on its surface, some see warm hospitality and hushpuppies. Solving Selection Criteria! Some see homophobia and racism. Circus Essay! Some see cracked roads and hungry mouths. I've spent seventeen years feeling my way through this state. Let me tell you what I've found: It's easy to feel different down here. People like me, who aren't Christian, often feel like outcasts. People like me, who really love reading--thinking--about Sartre and critical topics evolution and binary trees and real-life trees and everything but football, often feel like they have nobody to talk to. I've spent many lonely afternoons at my lesbian parents' home to which many children were invited, but few permitted by their parents to come. Feeling alienated, it's easy to curl up and wait for the current to carry me somewhere else. I've also found that those feelings of circus joker alienation are a trap. My crossed arms in line for ice cream scholarship, the Eucharist every Thursday at Catholic elementary school were met with nothing more nor less than a soft prayer and essay a smile. A gruff Christian man whose chicken coop is modeled after the reviewing dissertation, Sistine Chapel taught me to love history. Southernness is not the essay, antithesis of intellect nor kindness, and essay even though nobody can give me all the answers, everyone has something to joker essay teach. Over the baker 2005 reference, years, I've learned to seek out human connection through the murk. Essay! I've found it under gazebos and magnolia trees like under overturned rocks, with used-to-be strangers like Dudley who writes detective novelettes and Elizabeth who studies musical speech therapy. The world around me is critical essay, brought to life as something to soak in rather than merely drift through. Circus Joker! It can be scary to search for social sustenance--so necessary for growth--knowing I may be bitten or crushed, but without doing so I'd surely starve. I've been at my residential school for a year now. I've learned a lot from being out on essay topics my own, farther down the Tombigbee. I remember watching this year's new juniors on one of their first nights here. Joker! Many sang and literature socialized in a large circle. Others floated by on the outside, not quite ready to joker essay poke out of their shells. Remembering my own awkwardness giving way to close friendships ignited by brief nighttime walks, I encouraged them: "Try finding somebody to walk with. It might be uncomfortable, but it's worthwhile." I don't know what lies ahead, far away from the Tombigbee River. I find it easy to forget how big the world really is. I don't know what the people I'll meet will be like. I don't know what opportunities or options I'll have. I don't know what I'll see or who I'll become. I'm not sure if life ever becomes less murky. If fish are bothered by the uncertainties of living in this opaque brown soup, they don't show it. I'll just keep feeling my way through. From the MSMS Facebook page. Summar McGee is as geography, a senior from Edwards, Mississippi, which is not far from the joker essay, proposed site of a new, billion-dollar Continental Tire factory. Plunk! Okra echoes in neon orange bucket— Swarms of insects bombard my face and. I am drenched in essay sweat. One by one, we strip each hardy stalk: It’s pickin’ day with Big Mama. A well-oiled machine, Her gnarled hands pick, pick in rhythmic motion: Big Mama hums off-tempo gospel between chews of tobacco. Her slate-blue polyester dress hides mud-caked work boots. She trods forward with hefty hips swaying, Moves with just the circus, right amount of Southern sass. The weeds between the rows of baker reference dissertation okra tower over circus essay, Big Mama. Like clockwork, she hacks away with. Rusty pocket knife hidden in her bosom, A deep and present feeling. The scorching heat of small wonder summaries Mississippi sun sears my flesh. My hands—red, swollen, callused. My skin—covered in bumps from circus joker essay furry okra leaves. I long for a break, But I don’t stop. ’Cause when it's all said and as geography done, The okra don’t pick itself. Makayla Raby is a senior from Ecru, Mississippi, which is not far from the birthplace of Elvis Presley, Tupelo. as he stuffed the. rusted trunk full. of green, frayed. sacks, double bagged. tight against him. His sweat soaked. last gulp of him. Pine, sweat, and beer. and I hopped into. Momma slapped on. onto Highway 15. I watched as the. trees were traded. flowers for cars, and the animals. into a bottomless. not found amongst. the deer, the trees, But I never went. Downtown Columbus, Mississippi (James Fallows) What If Everyone Ate Beans Instead of joker essay Beef? What can an individual do about climate change? The easiest answer: make this one dietary switch. The purpose of my 152-installment Trump Time Capsule series during the 2016 campaign was to ice cream essay record, in real time, things Donald Trump said or did that were wholly outside the range for previous serious contenders for the White House. I’ve resisted continuing that during his time in circus joker office, because the nature of the man is clear. But his Twitter outburst this morning — as he has left Washington on another trip to one of his golf courses, as millions of U.S. Small Essay! citizens are without water or electricity after the historic devastation of Hurricane Maria, as by chance it is also Yom Kippur — deserves note. It is joker essay, a significant step downward for him, and perhaps the first thing he has done in summaries office that, in its coarseness, has actually surprised me. (I explained the difference, for me, between shock and surprise when it comes to Trump, in this item last week.) Temperamentally, intellectually, and in terms of civic and moral imagination, he is not fit for the duties he is now supposed to bear. A small group of programmers wants to joker essay change how we code—before catastrophe strikes. T here were six hours during the night of April 10, 2014, when the entire population of Washington State had no 911 service. People who called for help got a busy signal. One Seattle woman dialed 911 at least 37 times while a stranger was trying to break into her house. When he finally crawled into her living room through a window, she picked up a kitchen knife. The man fled. The 911 outage, at the time the largest ever reported, was traced to software running on a server in Englewood, Colorado. Operated by a systems provider named Intrado, the coursework, server kept a running counter of how many calls it had routed to 911 dispatchers around the country. Intrado programmers had set a threshold for how high the counter could go. They picked a number in the millions. The foundation of Donald Trump’s presidency is the negation of Barack Obama’s legacy. It is circus joker, insufficient to essay scholarship state the obvious of Donald Trump: that he is a white man who would not be president were it not for this fact. With one immediate exception, Trump’s predecessors made their way to high office through the passive power of joker whiteness—that bloody heirloom which cannot ensure mastery of all events but can conjure a tailwind for most of them. Land theft and essay topics human plunder cleared the grounds for Trump’s forefathers and essay barred others from problem skills it. Once upon the field, these men became soldiers, statesmen, and scholars; held court in Paris; presided at Princeton; advanced into the Wilderness and then into the White House. Their individual triumphs made this exclusive party seem above America’s founding sins, and it was forgotten that the circus joker, former was in fact bound to the latter, that all their victories had transpired on cleared grounds. Reviewing Literature Dissertation! No such elegant detachment can be attributed to Donald Trump—a president who, more than any other, has made the awful inheritance explicit. We Expect Too Much From Our Romantic Partners. A new book explores how marriage has changed in recent years, and why that’s made staying married harder. Tall, dark, handsome, funny, kind, great with kids, six-figure salary, a harsh but fair critic of my creative output . the list of things people want from their spouses and partners has grown substantially in recent decades. So argues Eli Finkel, a professor of joker essay social psychology at critical topics, Northwestern University in his new book, The All-or-Nothing Marriage. As Finkel explains, it’s no longer enough for a modern marriage to simply provide a second pair of strong hands to help tend the homestead, or even just a nice-enough person who happens to be from the same neighborhood. Instead, people are increasingly seeking self-actualization within their marriages, expecting their partner to be all things to them. Unfortunately, that only seems to work if you’re an essay Olympic swimmer whose own husband is her brusque coach. Other couples might find that career-oriented criticism isn’t the reviewing literature, best thing to hear from the circus essay, father of your 4-year-old. Critical Essay! Or, conversely, a violinist might simply have a hard time finding a skilled conductor—who also loves dogs and long walks on the beach—on Tinder. One of the circus, worst maritime disasters in European history took place a decade ago. Essay! It remains very much in the public eye. On a stormy night on joker essay the Baltic Sea, more than 850 people lost their lives when a luxurious ferry sank below the waves. From a mass of material, including official and unofficial reports and survivor testimony, our correspondent has distilled an account of the Estonia's last moments—part of problem solving skills his continuing coverage for the magazine of anarchy on the high seas. After midnight, in the first hours of September 28, 1994, the circus joker essay, ferry Estonia foundered in the waves of a Baltic storm. Wonder Essay! The ship was the pride of the newly independent Estonian nation, recently arisen from the Soviet ruins. It was a massive steel vessel, 510 feet long and nine decks high, with accommodations for up to 2,000 people. Joker! It had labyrinths of reviewing literature dissertation cabins, a swimming pool and essay sauna, a duty-free shop, a cinema, a casino, a video arcade, a conference center, three restaurants, and three bars. It also had a car deck that stretched from bow to stern through the hull's insides. In port the car deck was accessed through a special openable bow that could be raised to small wonder summaries allow vehicles to drive in and out. At sea that bow was supposed to remain closed and circus joker locked. Problem Solving Skills! In this case, however, it did not—and indeed it caused the essay, ship to capsize and sink when it came open in the storm and then fell entirely off. The Next Challenge for critical essay topics, Puerto Rico’s Recovery. The island will likely get the short-term help it needs. But that will do little to help its ongoing fiscal crisis. The depth of the crisis in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria is apparent from the island’s obliterated roads, downed power lines, tainted water, and nonexistent cell service. Joker Essay! Grief and dismay over the widespread destruction has led to calls for aid and assistance for small wonder summaries, the ravaged island, but long after the joker essay, shock fades, the staggering task of rebuilding the island will remain. That’s a challenge made markedly more difficult by the poverty of the island’s people and its government—it’s not clear where the necessary money will come from. The crisis makes clear the uncomfortable tension inherent in the island’s status as a commonwealth; Puerto Rican officials have no Congressional power when it comes to making decisions about their own survival during such a dangerous time, and the U.S. As Geography! government has repeatedly declined to do anything that would change that. So, once the U.S. citizens who populate the island are given relief for their most immediate problems—as they very likely will be—the biggest worry is that the circus essay, territory will be left to flounder, given enough money to restore basic necessities but not enough to set the essay summaries, island on joker essay course in the long run. Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis. O ne day last summer, around noon, I called Athena, a 13-year-old who lives in Houston, Texas. She answered her phone—she’s had an iPhone since she was 11—sounding as if she’d just woken up. We chatted about as geography, her favorite songs and TV shows, and I asked her what she likes to do with her friends. “We go to the mall,” she said. “Do your parents drop you off?,” I asked, recalling my own middle-school days, in the 1980s, when I’d enjoy a few parent-free hours shopping with my friends. “No—I go with my family,” she replied. Essay! “We’ll go with my mom and brothers and walk a little behind them. Coursework! I just have to circus tell my mom where we’re going. I have to check in every hour or every 30 minutes.” Those mall trips are infrequent—about once a month. More often, Athena and her friends spend time together on their phones, unchaperoned. Unlike the teens of my generation, who might have spent an evening tying up the family landline with gossip, they talk on Snapchat, the reviewing literature, smartphone app that allows users to send pictures and videos that quickly disappear. They make sure to keep up their Snapstreaks, which show how many days in a row they have Snapchatted with each other. Sometimes they save screenshots of particularly ridiculous pictures of circus friends. “It’s good blackmail,” Athena said. (Because she’s a minor, I’m not using her real name.) She told me she’d spent most of the summer hanging out alone in her room with her phone. That’s just the way her generation is, she said. “We didn’t have a choice to problem know any life without iPads or iPhones. Circus Essay! I think we like our phones more than we like actual people.” Most Campaign Outreach Has Zero Effect on Voters. A new paper finds that direct mail, door-to-door canvassing, and television ads almost never change people’s minds. What does this mean for American democracy? $6.4 billion. 2005! That’s how much candidates, political parties, and circus interest groups spent on as geography coursework federal elections in circus 2016, according to the Open Secrets project at the Center for Responsive Politics. As Geography Coursework! Especially in competitive races, huge amounts of money are invested in reaching voters through ads, phone banks, direct mail, and canvassing. Ostensibly, the joker, goal is to persuade people to vote for a particular candidate. A new paper by two California political scientists finds that the essay, total effect of these efforts is zero, meaning that they have no impact on how voters vote. David Broockman, a Stanford University assistant professor, and circus Joshua Kalla, a doctoral student at the University of California, Berkeley, analyzed data from 49 field experiments—state, local, and federal campaigns that let political scientists access their data to evaluate their methods. Baker! For every flyer stuck in a mailbox, every door knocked by an earnest volunteer, and every candidate message left on circus joker an answering machine, there was no measurable change in voting outcomes. Even early outreach efforts, which are somewhat more successful at persuading voters, tend to fade from ice cream memory by Election Day. Joker! Broockman and Kalla also estimated that the effect of television and online ads is zero, although only coursework, a small portion of their data speaks directly to joker that point. A children’s-literature scholar argues it’s time to essay scholarship acknowledge the perturbing themes in some of the most beloved books. Reminiscing about the Dr. Seuss books we loved as children is usually a happy time for adults. We might remember first learning about equality in Horton Hears a Who! or getting starry-eyed about circus joker, our futures reading Oh, the Places You’ll Go ! (of course, for some of critical essay us there’s also a bit of residual terror about that green-food-obsessed apparition in circus joker Green Eggs and Ham ). But Philip Nel, a scholar and as geography professor of children's literature whose specialties include Dr. Seuss and circus joker essay Harry Potter , is dissertation, pushing readers to grapple with the political and social implications of the stories that inspire such warm, fuzzy memories. In his new book, Was the Cat in the Hat Black?: The Hidden Racism of Children’s Literature, and the Need for Diverse Books , Nel argues that, yes, the Cat in the Hat was black—or, more precisely, that Seuss’s depiction of the character was based on circus racial stereotypes and inspired by traditions of blackface minstrel entertainment—and that dozens more children’s books of decades past are brimming with insidious, racist themes. The Trump administration’s secretary of Health and Human Services resigned Friday after revelations that he spent more than $1 million in taxpayer money in travel on private and reviewing literature military jets. Updated on September 29 at 6:25 p.m. ET. Tom Price resigned as secretary of Health and Human Services Friday, amid a controversy over spending more than $1 million in taxpayer money on private and military jets. Price “offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted,” the essay, White House said in wonder essay summaries a terse statement sent late Friday afternoon. Don Wright, a deputy assistant secretary, will serve as acting secretary. Earlier in joker essay the day, President Trump had told reporters that Price was a “fine man” but that he’d make a decision by the end of the day on whether to keep Price in place. The resignation is in coursework some ways strikingly typical—it’s the sort of workaday scandal that has felled many a government official—yet it comes from an administration that has redefined the type and scope of controversy, from a White House in circus unprecedented turmoil to the increasingly baroque and many-headed Russia investigation. What If Everyone Ate Beans Instead of Beef? What can an individual do about climate change? The easiest answer: make this one dietary switch. Research shows that using curse words can persuade everyone from voters to your co-workers. How Just Six Words Can Spark Conversation About Race in America. Michele Norris has created an archive of more than 50,000 stories about race and identity. Get 10 issues a year and save 65% off the cover price.
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