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John F. Kennedy’s only inaugural address as the science gcse questions, United State’s youngest president presented both his mission and vision for the country, as well as his famed challenge to Americans and the rest of the world. Kennedy delivered his speech on a Friday, January 20, 1961. From the very start of his address, he introduced the essay, theme of continuity which he made use throughout the entire speech (Roesller, 2002, p. 5). For example, after the gcse questions, mention of the Almighty God , he talked about the founding fathers of America and then mentioned the new generation of the American race. He also made good use of parallelism in his introduction. After acknowledging the presence of other leaders, he talked about the celebration of freedom, which symbolizes “an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change.” He also made good use of anti-thesis several times. To draw a sharp contrast between good and essay bad, he made mention of “well or ill” and science gcse coursework questions “support any friend, oppose any foe.” To make good the footnote citation essay, rhetoric, Kennedy also injected a lot of figurative language and metaphors to stress some points. When referring to the new States, he said “those who foolishly sought power by riding the coursework, back of the tiger ended up inside.” He carefully chose his words and citation essay made them sound both sensitive and strong: “casting off the chains of science coursework poverty”, “jungle of suspicion”, “the prey of hostile powers”, “this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house,” and so on (p. 6). At the mid-part of the address, he started moving to the challenge. As if responding to the “beginning” and “change” he mentioned at the start, he made a request to the Americans: “But let us begin.” Again using the aid of continuity, he follows that with “each generation of Americans has been summoned.” At one point he even resorted to a biblical reference by saying “the trumpet summons us.” These phrases prepared Kennedy for the rhetorical focal point of account cover letter uk his speech. The next lines have become famous all over the world not only because of its content but because of the science gcse, powerful way Kennedy had said it (p. 7). The last part of his speech was a dare, a challenge to perserverance, the citizens of America and of the coursework, world: “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for perserverance essay your country.” He goes on to say: “My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” The popularity of those lines is unprecedented. Almost half a century since it was delivered, no American president has managed to pull something of gcse coursework that magnitude off. Those lines also sum up the way Kennedy is most remembered, the prince of American politics. This is where the difference between his inaugural speech and other presidents’ speeches lies. He did not talk in cover letter uk great length what he and his government can do. As much as he can, he did away with so many promises. Instead, he made sure that the Americans and the rest of the gcse questions, world know what they are capable of essay doing. At some point, he made the people feel like they are the captains of the ship, so to speak. Kennedy brought Americans back to the driver seat. Kennedy was elected into office during one of the most trying times in science gcse coursework questions American history. Concise? The Cold War was becoming more aggressive and science gcse coursework the battle between democracy and communism has prompted the US and the Soviet Union to take refuge in nuclear weapons. In his inaugural speech, Kennedy focused on perserverance freedom (p. 8), which at that time was very timely. He addressed many issues but always found a way to bring it back to freedom. Aside from the coursework questions, mention of freedom at the famous part, he explicitly claimed that it is the target of his administration when he said that America swears to “assure the survival and success of liberty.” Dubbed as the “New Frontier”, Kennedy’s policies led to a period of new expectations in account letter American politics. Starting from himself, his administration introduced a new breed of politicians. He asked for the kind of legislation that would trickle down to the poor. Kennedy, with his youth and questions eloquence, also offered a sense of humility when he delivered his inaugural address: “All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet.” He didn’t see those words as a weakness but as a way to connect to the people. Kennedy refused to that will, give himself and his administration a time frame but requested that the American people “begin.” “In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course.” By those words, Kennedy gave Americans the science gcse questions, assurance that they are in control of their country. Luct? By those words, Kennedy made the people feel secure in their place as nation builders. By those words, he let Americans know how important they are in his administration. His noble speech was so powerful and remarkable that it would tarnish the science gcse questions, revelations of his moral and physical weaknesses later on in his short-lived presidency. His hard-line stance on concise cover international diplomacy, for example, earned cheers and hisses. But soon after his death, the science questions, world remembers him as a champion of essay freedom and that young American prince who happened to deliver the science questions, famous lines that has moved the world. Kennedy beamed with promise as soon as he took the stand for his inaugural address. Americans formed their expectations. Kennedy’s speech, judging from its popularity and place in history, satisfied those expectations. By supplementing his eloquence with powerful rhetorical tactics, he won America’s heart. Essay Small? He instantly connected with Americans who previously felt so detached and distant with the White House. His speech was all about gcse coursework his people and how important they are for perserverance him and his administration. All throughout his speech, he observed continuity. From the gcse questions, start, he made it clear that the target of his address was the American population. He started his address with a challenge and ended with another emphatic one. There was poetry written all over his speech. His use of college get into metaphors, anti-theses and science questions parallelisms are evidence to this. There are figurative languages on his address, too. These made the words and account executive cover uk his message more forceful. The way he delivered his well-crafted lines presented a sense of urgency, as if saying there is coursework, no better time to begin but now. Then of course, like all political speeches, he had pledges and promises. The difference, however, was he humbly asked the American population to help him go through them—over and over again. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, just two years into his short lived presidency. Roessler, E. (2002). Three Inaugural Addresses: John F. Kennedy, William Clinton and letter George W. Bush . Retrieved September 23, 2007, from questions Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and order Textual Analysis of John F. Essay Writing? Kennedy’s Inaugural Address. essay editing for questions only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for Textual Analysis of get into that will John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address. The inaugural address of John F Kennedy was successful because of the various rhetorical devices that he employed throughout the speech. These devices used include contrasts, three part lists, antithesis,… John F. Kennedy: The Inaugural Address. The Kennedy Doctrine refers to foreign policy initiatives of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, towards Latin America during his term in gcse office between 1961 and… John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address. Inauguration is a formal ceremony that represents the start of a leader’s term in office. Essay On Happy Family Small? Here in the United States, it is science gcse, tradition that elected presidents give a speech. President… Rhetorical Analysis of Kennedy’s Inaugural Address. A newly elected president in America will typically address their goals during their inauguration ceremony. John F. Kennedy arguably gave one of the most compelling Inaugural Addresses in history. He… Thomas Jefferson’s Second Inaugural Address. After Thomas Jefferson was re-elected president of the United States of America, he gave a speech called The Second Inaugural Address. Cover? President Jefferson was known for his wonderful speaking skills…. Franklin D. Science Gcse Coursework Questions? Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address (1933) United States was facing the terrible shock and disappointments the Great Depression caused. Americans experienced poverty, sharing the experience of loss and suffering, and looking for hope. Franklin D. Roosevelt…

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