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Souls Of Black Folk Essays (Examples) Souls of Black Folk: a Call for like me essay potna, Ultimate Liberation. Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Of Music! Du Bois. Souls of me essay potna Black Folks. Randall Robinson's book The Debt (2000) about the condition of blacks in America, he states that the United States owes reparations to the descendents of slaves. In The Reckoning: What Blacks Owe to Each Other, written two years later, he moves the emphasis of obligation to an academic paper, other blacks in America. He urgently requests that black leaders and like me essay, those who have made their way up the today, socio-economic ladder to me essay, work toward improving the dismal situation in urban settings. His plea of english help is to the so-called "gated blacks," or those African-Americans who have been able to move up into the middle class, but have either purposely or subconsciously forgotten about me essay potna those blacks who have become prison laborers in the continuously growing American Gulag. The Scriptures also speak of dreams and prophesies which come through God's servant, delivering words of God's will to the people Though the preacher may not want to preach these words, like Jonah, he or she is commissioned to do so or he or she is research, no preacher. The Holy Spirit also is the comforter (John 14:16) and through the words of a preacher, God's people find relief and comfort for their anguished souls. The Spirit is also described as bringing Truth to God's people (John 16:13-14) and like me essay potna, speaks the truth on God's authority. Montgomery Bus Boycott. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at 2005, one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by me essay potna the tape of faith essay a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. Like Me Essay Potna! (pp. Advanced Belonging! 8-9) However, many people believe DuBois wrote his work in direct opposition to Washington's "acceptance" of like me essay certain white impositions on blacks, like not being able to vote, or not working for a liberal arts education, but gaining a trade instead. DuBois' main arguments then are that blacks should not "settle" for anything, but fight for equal rights in paper, all areas. In the "Forethought" to the book he writes, "Leaving, then, the white world, I have stepped within the Veil, raising it that you may view faintly its deeper recesses -- the meaning of its religion, the passion of its human sorrow, and the struggle of its greater souls" (DuBois 209). This shows he is writing for a black audience, and potna, he is going to give them clues and questions about their identity, their culture, and their equality, and he wants them to use them to better themselves and stop settling for…… [Read More] The oppressed then became their own oppressors, judging themselves on the high class standards of life. Through their own regulation, high class norms were used to judge each other on the basis of financial stability, female morality, Christian ideology, and so forth. They upheld unrealistic standards when one looked at the condition of life many within the lower classes were forced to endure. No matter how much they grew to resent the high class for the lifestyle they would never be able to live, the lower classes still unconsciously internalized the beliefs of that class they hated. Songs of Sorrow. Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906) wrote his 1913 poem "We Wear the Mask" in open defiance of the commonly accepted fallacy of his day that African-Americans were happy in the subservient roles they were forced to assume in the face of white racism. Dunbar, through the use of irony, through inverting the positive connotations of smiling, and through the religious rhetorical tropes of english exclamation and crying out to God, conveys the cognitive dissonance between the false face African-Americans were forced to portray to potna, earn a living in white society. " (Halpin and Burt, 1998) DuBois states: "The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife -- this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. Aqr Capital Papers! In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be lost. He would not Africanize America, for America has too much to teach the world and like potna, Africa. He would not bleach his Negro soul in a flood of White Americanism, for he knows that Negro blood has a message for the world. He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American, without being cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face. (DuBois, 1903) W.E.B. DuBois: Of the Wings of Atalanta. True freedom does exist, but Black America has not yet found it. S. Faith Essay! Supreme Court. As to religion, slaves were allowed to worship in segregated sections of white churches, but with the advent of Reconstruction around 1867, freed slaves left the white churches and formed their own Baptist and Methodist congregations. tomorrow / Bright before us / Like a flame. (Alain Locke, "Enter the New Negro," 1925) African-American Perspectives on Education for African-Americans. scholar of black life in like potna, America," W.E.B. DuBois taught and define research, practiced sociology and became one of the co-founders of the me essay potna, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Although DuBois eventually broke ties with the essay, NAACP due to important ideological differences, the scholar, author, and potna, sociologist had a greater impact on African-American history during the early 20th century than any other person. (Cha-Jua, 2001, at faith, ( Alexis de Tocqueville makes a moral assessment of America, pointing out that the me essay potna, "goodness" inherent in American values like freedom and liberty is what makes the nation "great." The term "great" refers to the nation's power, status, and enduring prestige. However, social critics throughout American history have endeavored to point out the gross shortcomings in the country's policies and its hypocritical practices. In The Souls of Black Folks, W.E.B. DuBois discusses the ongoing problem of racism in America to show that the values of freedom and liberty have not been fulfilled. Of Music! Charlotte Perkins Gillman's novel Herland offers a scathing critique of the patriarchal and sexist values and norms that persist in American society in spite of the faAade of potna offering "liberty and justice for all." Both DuBois and Gillman provide road maps to a better America, one that recognizes the history, essential equality of all human beings. Martin Luther King Jr. Firmin / Gobineau etc. Government Impact the Lives of Individuals. German-Jews. Like Potna! The history of aqr capital research German-Jewish conflict is widely known but many might wonder why it started in the first place. Why would Germans show such extreme hatred for an ethnic group while the other did not seem to have threatened the like me essay, latter? This question is certainly strange but answer is proquest and theses, worth seeking which also helps us understand the concepts of conformity and social perception that affects global conflicts of such magnitude. The German-Jewish conflict is as much grounded in ugly realities of imperislaims and racism as any other. Arendt discovered two important innovations that were cultivated during the rise of modern imperialism i.e. "race as a principle of the body politic" and "bureaucracy as a principle of foreign domination." (Arendt, p. Me Essay! 185) While racism was seriously grounded in the fear of the white man, bureaucracy emerged as a result of over exaggerated and essay, entirely false sense of protection that white…… [Read More] Hip Hop and American Youth Culture. For Descartes, the individual is capable of thinking beyond the physical and real, and this can be done by arguing based on pure reason. His version of "truths" about human existence and other universal truths about life can be generated from human reason alone, in the same manner in which he proved his existence as a result of his belief that he is "persuaded" that he exists. That is, even though experience and reality does not provide proof of his existence, the fact that Descartes believed that he existed is proof enough that he, indeed, exists in the world he lives in. history of Missouri there is like me essay, a strained and well-documented legacy of slavery and aqr capital research, conflict over it. As the nation divided itself on the political/economic rather than moral issue of slavery, deciding status of statehood almost entirely on like me essay this one issue Missouri was caught in the middle. Yet, this reality had little if anything to do with the reality of life for black women in the state. Black women's lives both free and slave revolved around work and family. English Belonging! In many ways black women, and marginalized women in general are the first real example of a women's working class. " All African-Americans straddle the line represented by their double consciousness, often walking back and forth between multiple identities. The double consciousness may be especially apparent for African-Americans from Caribbean descent who also address the issues related to the immigrant experience. Darkwater: Voice From Within the Veil, by W.E.B Du Bois. Specifically, it will discuss the philosophy behind the book, and what Du Bois was trying to convey to his readers. But by the year of the revolution, the "various forces of discord between Britain and me essay, American had combined, and," Adams continues on page 84, the result of those forces of discord "…did not take the direction which would have found a place for the thirteen colonies within the history essay, British Empire Commonwealth" (Adams, 84). The Trade acts and Navigation acts were "extremely galling," Adams comments on page 85, and King George III was "an obstinate man." Not all authors believe the division between the colonies and England was irreconcilable. Edwin J. Perkins writes that "…the degree of economic regulation and the level of imperial taxation were not significant causes of the War for Independence" (Walton, 1981). Like! He is of course entitled to advanced belonging thesis, his own scholarship, but the me essay, vast majority of the faith, literature leads to the opposite viewpoint. African-American Religious Movements. Sweat, by Zora Neal Hurston. Specifically, it will contain a biography of the me essay, writer and criticism of her work "Sweat," along with another story. Cultures in english, Conflict & Change. Hurston and Hughes. philosophy class. The topic the Mind/Body Problem. read attachment order answer questions. This has led to the development of the culture of the Asian-Americans in the context of the United States thus an opportunity for global representation of the global culture. There is also an enhanced interaction between the potna, United States and Asian nations following the increased influence on essay the development of the genres of the music in America (Aton p. 517). Certainly, common sense tells us that the wisdom literature of different societies is similar. Christianity must have struck a cord with the simple people of Greece as it did with the simple people of Jesus' time that lived the potna, simple life and trusted in providence for their sustenance once that had done what they were morally obligated to. They needed to be happy and content with their station's in history, life. This way, they would not suffer from the anxiety of worrying about what would happen tomorrow. 14). Me Essay! Certainly, the vast majority of people in the West have come to think about the world around them in terms of the Greek philosophical tradition, combined with some version of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions. For example, Freiberg (1977) reports that "Philosophical systems based on positive and dialectical logic have co-existed throughout Western history, but dialectical philosophies have become increasingly important during the last two centuries" (p. 3). This author suggests that the emergence of faith essay conclusion formal symbolic logic in recent years can be attributed, at least in part, to the development of like me essay potna dialectical logic following the philosophy espoused by Hegel, particularly as it concerns its subsequent sociological reinterpretation by Marx (Freiberg, 1977). By sharp contrast, though, the Daoism traditions are virtually outside this hard-wired way of english belonging thesis thinking about the world, and it quickly becomes clear that there is some type of conscious effort required in order to "think outside the box"…… [Read More] Pop is tomorrow's Classical"- Paul McCartney. Discuss this contention within the me essay potna, context of rock/classical music collaborations since the early 1950s. Out of about 40 million slaves that were transported from African to the United States, only 15 million of proquest them could survive, however they ended up in pure hell. Me Essay! It was expected of the African-Americans to meet the demands of two ideas, both of which met the needs of the rich white Americans. Thus, where slaves had a disguise to english advanced belonging, serve their masters and like me essay, please them, they were just not being honest to of music essay, themselves in the least bit, and they were living according to the wishes of their masters to escape the beating or to avoid being scrutinized any further. Having said that, just because they had no choice but to live up to the two ideals, it did not mean that there were not any rightfully revengeful and like potna, rebellious slaves that went against the books and refused to accept being a cookie cutter cut-out. It is assumed that the…… [Read More] Tom Shulich ("ColtishHum") He, therefore, continued experimenting with new musical style, and his 1964 album, Another Side of Bob Dylan hinted at the things to of music essay, come. The album was categorized a "folk album" only because Dylan had not yet decided to like potna, go electric and faith essay, continued to use an acoustic arrangement for his songs. As for the content of his songs on like me essay potna Another Side, they had already veered away from the political protest of folk. The album started with the light-hearted and personal "All I Really Want to do" and faith essay, ended rather significantly with "It Ain't Me" -- Dylan pointedly saying adieu to potna, his folk audience. The album's departure from folk traditions was a prelude to a more dramatic change in Dylan's musical style that was to english advanced thesis, be unveiled in the following year. " (Pettersson, 2006) Oral and written verbal art languages are both used for like potna, the purpose of information communication as well as information presentation with the proquest 2005, reader and listener receiving an invitation to consider the like me essay potna, information. African Restaurant Revival. That is why I became Treasurer of the Wives Club, out of gratefulness for this extended family. I know many people of my generation struggle to faith conclusion, find 'who they are' but the structure of the military offers a potent and me essay potna, compelling answer to that question. To serve means always to be at home amongst people who understand exactly what you are going through: "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in" (Frost 118-119). In the "hard-core" sub-genre of hip-hop, one sees a much clearer emphasis on street and urban authenticity -- rather than on our government today sampling. For N.W.A., hip-hop is an expression of lived life -- a kind of militant message passed down to urban blacks from me essay potna men like Malcolm X. Music appreciation [. ] my personal attraction to jazz music and advanced thesis, some of its composers and performers. Jazz music has been called a particularly American invention, and the many forms of jazz epitomize a successful and me essay, exciting country on the move. Jazz encompasses many facets of music, from be-bop to swing, and one testament to jazz's endurance is aqr capital, its continued popularity today. Potna! Jazz breathes life into the listener, and embodies life in proquest, America. Kill a Mockingbird. Hunt for Red October. The organization of the potna, five chapters in the study includes: Today many mainstream popular artists have Rhythm and Blues influences. In addition some artists fluctuate between signing R&B and pop music. Although there are often distinctions made between the two genres R&B is definitely a type of popular music that has been greatly influenced by all of the above Genres. Dream Content as a Therapeutic Approach: Ego Gratification vs. Repressed Feelings. Brown had succeeded in papers, spite of a terrible start in life and seemingly without making musical compromises" (95). Indeed, he did. " The point made by the poet is similar to the poem above. The reference to John, suck-egg mule!": An Examination of Southern Euphemisms. In some ways, the Civil War was the analogue of the Terror for Americans: It was the bloodthirsty incestuous violence that allowed the nation to move onward to me essay potna, a full embrace of democracy, joining itself to Europe as the world began to tip toward democratic ideas and ideals. ) They are, in the popular imagination, a peaceful people who spend their time going to history of music, church and making preserves, while the rest of us lost our spiritual way, got jobs moving paper around, became obsessed with buying stuff, and watched our families fall apart. (Issenberg, 2004, p. 40). Phillis Wheatley and the poem "Being Brought From Africa." Jesus' Teachings, Prayer, & Christian Life. It is impossible to conceive of a greater mistake. Like! Slaves sing most when they are most unhappy. The songs of the slave represent the sorrows of his heart; and he is relieved by them, only as an aching heart is relieved by its tears" (Douglass 15).

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This entire document can be read from beginning to end or particular sections can be quickly referenced by using the like potna, table of contents. This guide has been prepared by the MIT Libraries, as prescribed by the Committee on Graduate Programs, to assist students and faculty in the preparation of theses.Р’ The Institute is committed to the preservation of each student's thesis because it is today essay, both a requirement for the MIT degree and a record of original research that contains information of lasting value. The requirements in this guide apply to all theses and have been specified both to facilitate the care and dissemination of the thesis and to assure the preservation of the archival paper copy. Individual departments may dictate more stringent requirements.Р’ Questions not answered in this guide should be referred to the appropriate department officer or to the MIT Libraries (14N-118,, 617-253-5136). The academic department is required to deliver the proper number of copies of the thesis to the MIT Libraries within one month after the last day of the term in which the thesis was submitted (Faculty Regulation 2.72).Р’ One copy is kept as part of the permanent archival collection, and the other copy is reserved for future disposition. An online catalog record, which includes the thesis abstract, is prepared for all theses deposited in the MIT Libraries.Р’ This information appears in me essay potna, Barton, our online catalog, which is accessible to researchers at other institutions through the aqr capital, Internet, as well as in potna, the OCLC database WorldCat, an online international bibliographic system available to libraries and individuals worldwide.Р’ PhD and ScD theses are also listed (with abstract) in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database ( PQDT ) and Dissertation Abstracts International ( DAI ). For each thesis received by the Libraries, a digital version is created and made publicly available in DSpace@MIT ( Р’ Р’ Copies of theses may be obtained through the MIT Libraries' Document Services (14-0551, 617-253-5668;; History Essay! Students may choose to submit a born-digital PDF of the thesis via the Libraries voluntary submission portal ( However, the electronic version is not considered to be the official copy. Degree candidates must submit the like me essay potna, required copies of their theses to the appropriate office of the department or program in which they are registered on the dates specified in the Academic Calendar.Р’ The Academic Calendar may be found in the MIT Bulletin and atР’ September, February, and of music essay, June are the like me essay potna, only months in which degrees are awarded.Р’ Additional copies of the thesis may be required by the department. All theses should be turned in to the appropriate departmental office; the office will deliver the theses to the MIT Libraries within a month after the english thesis, last day of term.Р’ In this guide, the copy that remains in the Archives is called the potna, first copy .Р’ Additional copies required for the divisional libraries (see following section) are referred to as the aqr capital research papers, second and like, (possibly) third copies .Р’ The department may ask for copies in addition to those required for aqr capital research the Libraries.Р’ The student may, of course, keep personal copies. Not all departments send bachelor's theses to the Archives.Р’ If your department does, only one copy should be submitted to the Archives.Р’ Please check the requirements of your department. Like Me Essay! Undergraduate students do not pay a library processing fee. Number of copies: Normally, two copies are required for the Libraries – one for english advanced thesis the Archives and a second for the appropriate divisional library.Р’ A third copy is required only when a student is submitting the same thesis to me essay potna, departments or programs from our government today two separate MIT schools (e.g., Management and Engineering).Р’ If the departments are in the same school (e.g., Engineering Systems and Mechanical Engineering), only me essay potna, two copies are required. Doctoral theses only: A completed UMI/ProQuest form (see section below) with an additional copy of the belonging thesis, title page and like, abstract stapled to it is also required. Most MIT theses are written by our government, a single author.Р’ In those cases where two or more students are responsible, only a single copy (for undergraduates) or set of copies (for graduate students) should be submitted to the Archives.Р’ The title page of the thesis should bear the Р’ signatures of all authors and thesis supervisors.Р’ (Permission to undertake collaborative thesis research must be obtained in advance from the Dean of Graduate Education [3-138, 617-253-4860, Submission of Doctoral Thesis Abstract to International Database: UMI/ ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database. Abstracts of all doctoral theses (PhD and ScD) will be submitted for inclusion in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses , an potna, online database used by researchers around the world.Р’ PQDT can be searched by author name, subject terms, and all words in the title and abstract.Р’ All MIT abstracts will contain a note stating that copies of the full text are available from DSpace@MIT or the our government essay, MIT Libraries' Document Services. Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words; longer abstracts will be edited by UMI/ProQuest.Р’ Please complete the UMI/ProQuest form at, staple it to a copy of your title page and abstract, and submit it with your thesis. Like Me Essay Potna! Р’ The form may printed and completed by aqr capital research papers, hand or opened and filled out in Acrobat Reader, then printed. When filling out the form, choose the appropriate subject categories from the like potna, list provided with the form.Р’ Please take care both in choosing terms and writing them (if filling out the an academic research paper, form by like me essay potna, hand).Р’ Subject-based access to your thesis will depend on the accuracy of the information you provide and the precision with which it is paper, transcribed by UMI/ProQuest.Р’ It is especially important that your name appear on this form exactly as it does on the title page and abstract of me essay your thesis. CHANGES AFTER SUBMISSION OF THESIS. All change made to a thesis, after the thesis has been submitted to english advanced belonging, the MIT Libraries by the student's department, must have prior approval from the Dean of Graduate or Undergraduate Education. When the purpose is to like potna, correct significant errors in content, the today, student should create an errata sheet using the like me essay potna, form and instructions at and obtain approval from both thesis supervisor or program chair and the Dean for Graduate or Undergraduate Education.Р’ If the purpose of change is to excise classified, proprietary, or confidential information, the proquest and theses 2005, student should fill out the application form at like, and have the request approved by aqr capital, the thesis supervisor or program chair and the Dean for Graduate or Undergraduate Education.Р’ Students and like, supervisors should vet thesis content carefully before submission to avoid both scenarios whenever possible. Students receiving advanced degrees from MIT are required to pay a library processing fee: $115.00 for a doctoral thesis ($50 for processing and $65 for the UMI/ProQuest abstract fee) and $50.00 for all other advanced-degree theses. Undergraduate students do not pay a processing fee. Thesis charges are billed to the studentРІР‚в„ўs account when the thesis title is entered on the degree application. Aqr Capital Research Papers! Please refer to the academic calendar on the RegistrarРІР‚в„ўs website to review relevant deadline dates. All copies must be submitted to the studentРІР‚в„ўs department unbound between cardboard covers; the like potna, thesis and covers should be clipped or tied together, NOT stapled or punched. Recycled temporary covers and binder clips are available in a cabinet in the first floor stairwell of english advanced thesis Hayden Library, near the circulation desk. The front cover should be labeled with the following information: author's name, thesis title, course, month and year of graduation, and which copy it is (first, second, or third). The MIT Libraries pay for like me essay the binding of theses retained in their collection.Р’ Personal copies may be bound in hard or soft cover at MIT CopyTech or many commercial binderies in the Boston area. The Institute's policy concerning ownership of thesis copyright is covered in Rules and Regulations of the Faculty , 2.73. ( and MIT Policies and Procedures 13.1.3 ( Our Government Today! The following are guidelines to assist the me essay potna, student in our government today essay, determining who holds ownership of the thesis copyright: The Institute will hold ownership of the copyrights to theses if: the thesis research is me essay, performed in whole or in part by the student with financial support in the form of english belonging wages, salary, stipend, or grant from funds administered by the Institute. the thesis research is me essay, performed in whole or in part utilizing equipment or facilities provided to the Institute under conditions that impose copyright restrictions.Р’. In general, students may retain ownership of thesis copyrights when the only form of support is (a) teaching assistantships (the duties of english thesis which do not include research activities) and (b) NSF and NIH traineeships and me essay potna, fellowships (although the essay, trainee or fellow may be required to grant certain publishing rights to NSF or NIH).Р’ Actual determination of a student's status is like me essay, made by reference to dissertations 2005, the account from which the student receives support. Р’ Questions regarding restrictions imposed on any of the potna, Institute's facilities or equipment may be addressed to papers, the administrative officer of the laboratory or department or to like, the appropriate contract administrator in the Office of essay Sponsored Programs ( Specific questions on me essay potna permission to copyright should be referred to the Technology Licensing Office (617-253-6966, When copyright ownership is held by the student, the aqr capital research papers, student must, as condition of a degree award, grant royalty-free permission to potna, the Institute to reproduce and publicly distribute copies of the faith essay, thesis, and must place the following legend on like me essay potna the thesis title page: "The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of today essay this thesis document in like me essay potna, whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created."Р’ For such theses, requests for permission to of music, use portions of the thesis in third-party publications must be addressed to like potna, and granted by the student author. When copyright is held by the Institute, students and third parties should contact the MIT Technology Licensing Office (617-253-6966, to aqr capital, obtain permission to reuse thesis content in other publications. Р’ However, the student is authorized to post electronic versions of the studentРІР‚в„ўs own thesis, in whole or in part, on the World Wide Web.Р’ Any further publication of the thesis in like me essay, whole or in part shall be made only with the authorization of the faith essay conclusion, Technology Licensing Office, in consultation with the like potna, head of the department or course in which the student was registered when the thesis was accepted. Regardless of whether copyright is held by the student or the Institute, the MIT Libraries publish the aqr capital research papers, thesis electronically in DSpace@MIT ( allowing open access viewing and limited downloading/ printing. Students may request a waiver of Institute copyright by like, written application to the Institute's Technology Licensing Office ( The waiver shall be granted only if the retained rights of the student as described in this guide are inadequate for the studentРІР‚в„ўs needs and if a license from the Institute to the student would also be inadequate.Р’ Any such waiver of the InstituteРІР‚в„ўs copyright shall be subject to a royalty-free grant from the student to the Institute to english advanced, publicly distribute copies of the thesis, in whole or in part.Р’ The student must also place the legend above on the thesis title page. Implementation: How to Copyright a Thesis. Each student should place the appropriate copyright notice on the thesis.Р’ Copyright notice consists of four elements: the symbol "c" with a circle around it Р’В© and/or the word "copyright," the year of publication (the year in which the degree is to be awarded), the name of the copyright owner, and the words "All rights reserved." These four elements should appear together on the title page (or verso of the title page). student is copyright owner: Р’В© 2008 Jane Doe. All rights reserved. Institute is like potna, copyright owner: Р’В© 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. See sample title pages.Р’ A copyright notice should also appear on any non-paper material (e.g., DVD or CD) included with a thesis. Use of Previously Published Material in a Thesis. Each student is responsible for obtaining permission, if necessary, to include previously published material in the thesis. This applies to today, most third-party materials (i.e., those created and published by someone else); it may also apply to the studentРІР‚в„ўs own previous work.Р’ If, for example, a student has already published part of the thesis as a journal article and, as a condition of publication, has assigned title to theР’ journal's publisher, the student has no further rights in the article.Р’ Written permission must be obtained from the publisher to include the article, or any portion of it, in the thesis. Similarly, permission must be obtained to include papers written while the potna, student was employed by a commercial company or non-profit organization if title belongs to the company or organization.Р’ A sample permission letter can be obtained from the Office of the General Counsel ( If the student knows, prior to publication or employment, that such material will be included in a thesis, he or she may wish to retain title to the material or to define an academic research, reserve sufficient rights to use the material.Р’ Further information is available at Scholarly Publishing @MIT Libraries ( or by contacting for more information. POLICY FOR TEMPORARY RESTRICTIONSР’ ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THESES. Thesis research should be undertaken in light of me essay potna MIT's policy of open research and the free interchange of information.Р’ Written notification of patent holds and other restrictions must reach the Institute Archives before the today essay, thesis in like me essay, question is received, since under normal circumstances all theses are open and available for public inspection once they have been received by the Archives. Belonging! Р’ When there is good reason for delaying the distribution of a thesis, the me essay, procedures below should be followed. For additional details on procedures for temporary restrictions, please see Graduate Policies and Procedures at When MIT holds the rights to any intellectual property contained in today essay, a thesis, students and their supervisors must work with the MIT Technology Licensing Office ( to determine if a patent application is to be filed. If so, the like, Technology Licensing Office will notify the Institute Archives, and the thesis will be withheld from distribution for up to three months. If an extension is required, application must be made to the Vice President for Research, who will inform the Archives if an extension is approved. When a student holds the rights to define an academic, any intellectual property contained in like, his or her thesis, application for permission to advanced thesis, withhold a thesis must be made to the Dean for Graduate Education for like graduate theses or the Dean for Undergraduate Education for undergraduate theses. Р’ If the hold is define paper, granted, the dean will inform the Archives, and like me essay, the thesis will be withheld for a period of three months.Р’ If an extension is essay conclusion, required, application must be made to the Vice President for Research. A student should not embark without prior approval on a thesis that requires government restrictions. The Institute recognizes that certain government agencies which sponsor research may require that theses be submitted for like me essay potna security review before they can be placed in the Libraries or published. Occasionally, on aqr capital papers completing a thesis, a student may believe that its distribution will jeopardize the privacy or safety of the author, other individuals, or organizations.Р’ If the thesis cannot be rewritten to like me essay, remove the problematic material, the history of music, author and supervisor should submit the thesis to the director of the program, who will prepare a recommendation for the Dean for Graduate Education for graduate theses or the Dean for Undergraduate Education for undergraduate theses, who will then consult with the potna, Vice President for Research.Р’ The appropriate office will advise the Institute Archives of the history, restricted period.Р’ In all cases the restricted period should be kept to a minimum. The title page is like, always considered to be page 1, and every page must be included in the count regardless of whether a number is physically printed on a page. The entire thesis (including title page, prefatory material, illustrations, and all text and appendices) must be paginated in one consecutive numbering sequence. Theses should be prepared double-sided whenever possible.Р’ In a double-sided thesis, both sides of every page (starting with the title page and dissertations and theses, including any pages that have been left blank) must be accounted for in the numbering sequence. Р’ Therefore, in a double-sided thesis, odd-numbered pages are always on the right and even-numbered pages on the left.Р’ Pages with illustrations may be single-sided, but both sides should be counted.Р’ Single-sided theses should be numbered only on potna the front of every sheet. When using thesis templates on Athena, use caution and and theses, verify that the like me essay, pagination requirements are being met. Your work will be a more valuable research tool for other scholars if it can be located easily.Р’ Search engines use the paper, words in the title, and sometimes other descriptive words, to locate works. Therefore, be sure to select a title that is a meaningful description of the content of your manuscript; and like me essay, when possible, use word substitutes for define an academic research paper formulas, symbols, superscripts, Greek letters, etc., which do not appear on most computer keyboards and would make your title more difficult to search. "The Effects of Ion Implantation and Annealing on the Properties of Titanium Silicide [not TiSi 2 ] Films on Silicon Substrates" "Radiative Decays of the J/Psi [not J/ ψ] to Two Pseudoscalar Final States" The title page of the first copy must bear the original signatures of the author, supervisor, and chairman; a photocopy of the signed title page is potna, acceptable for the second copy.Р’ The title page should contain the title, name of the author, previous degrees, the degree(s) to be awarded at proquest and theses 2005, MIT, the date the degree(s) will be conferred (June, September, or February only), copyright notice, and appropriate names and signatures. For candidates receiving two degrees, both degrees to be awarded should appear on the title page.Р’ For candidates receiving degrees across departments or programs, all degrees and departments or programs should appear on the title page and the signatures of both department heads/committee chairmen are required.Р’ Whenever there are co-supervisors, both signatures are required. Each thesis offered for a graduate degree must include an me essay, abstract, preferably one single-spaced page, but never more than two pages (generally less than 350 words).Р’ The abstract should be thought of as a brief descriptive summary rather than a lengthy introduction to the thesis.Р’ Doctoral abstracts are submitted for history essay inclusion in UMI/ProQuestРІР‚в„ўs Dissertation Abstracts International and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database ( PQDT ).Р’ Doctoral candidates should keep their abstracts under 350 words.Р’ Longer abstracts will be edited and shortened by me essay potna, UMI/ProQuest .Р’ Databases such as PQDT provide full-text searching of abstracts, so the presence of significant key words in advanced belonging, a short abstract will facilitate access. The abstract should immediately follow the title page. Biographical Note and Acknowledgment. Although not a requirement, each thesis may contain a short biography of the candidate, including institutions attended and dates of attendance, degrees and honors, titles of publications, teaching and professional experience, and other matters that may be pertinent.Р’ An acknowledgment page may also be included. Р’ These sections may be single-spaced. Please note that your thesis will be publicly available online at DSpace@MIT, which is regularly crawled and like, indexed by Google and other search-engine providers.Р’. The style of quotations, footnotes, and bibliographic references may be prescribed by your department.Р’ If your department does not prescribe a style or specify a style manual, choose one and be consistent.Р’ Further information is available on the web site of the proquest dissertations 2005, MIT Writing Center ( NOTES AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES. Whenever possible, notes should be placed at like, the bottom of the appropriate page or in the body of the text.Р’ Notes should conform to the style appropriate to the discipline.Р’ If notes appear at the bottom of the dissertations, page, they should be single-spaced and included within the specified margins (see section below). It may be appropriate to place bibliographic references either at the end of the chapter in which they occur or at potna, the end of the thesis.Р’. The same paper size and quality, pagination, margins, notes, and illustration requirements apply to appendices.Р’ They support the research in your thesis and should be as readable and reproducible as the rest of your work. Р’ Page numbering should continue the consecutive pagination of the thesis. For the main body of the proquest dissertations, text, including appendices and front matter, font size should be at like, least 11-point and should not be script or italic.Р’ Italics may, however, be used for short quotations or to highlight variables in proquest dissertations and theses 2005, an equation, for like potna example.Р’ Notes and the text in tables, etc., should not be smaller than 10-point. Top, bottom, and both side margins must be at least an inch wide (1") to allow for binding and research, trimming.Р’ All information (text headings, notes, and illustrations), excluding page numbers , must be within the me essay potna, text area.Р’ Theses should be prepared using both sides of the define research paper, paper (double-sided) whenever possible. Oversize sheets must be folded to come within the text area so the like potna, folds will not be trimmed off or bound in during the binding procedure. The text of the thesis may be single- double- or one-and-a-half-spaced.Р’ The abstract, biography, notes, bibliography, and acknowledgment should be single-spaced. If you are writing your thesis on Athena, follow the formatting and today essay, typeface instructions under the LATEX or FRAME olc stock answer topics by typing the command "olc_answers" on any Athena workstation. If you are preparing your thesis on Athena, follow the instructions under the LATEX or FRAME olc stock answer topics by typing the like, command "olc_answers."Р’ When using Athena templates, be sure the format conforms to the required specifications, especially for essay the title page and pagination.Р’ Final copies should be printed on like potna the printer "Thesis" (11-004), which is stocked with acid-neutral, Libraries-approved thesis paper. First copy: For the first copy the paper, paper must be chosen for its permanence and durability.Р’ This is the me essay, copy that should bear the original signatures. Advanced! The paper must be (a) acidРІР‚вЂneutral or acid-free, (b) watermarked, (c) at least 20-lb. weight, and (d) contain at least 25% cotton.Р’ It may contain some post-consumer waste (pcw) recycled material.Р’ The following 20РІР‚вЂlb. watermarked acidРІР‚вЂneutral papers are examples of like potna those that are acceptable. Mohawk Via Bright White (available at CopyTech, 11-004) Xerox Image Elite Crane's Thesis Paper Hammermill Bond Strathmore Bond. Second copy: The paper for the second copy should be (a) acid-neutral or acid-free, (b) at least 20-lb. weight, and (c) contain 25% cotton.Р’ It need not be watermarked. The following are not acceptable for english belonging either copy: MIT bond, erasable paper, or regular paper from photocopy machines. The paper used should be sufficiently opaque so that text and illustrations on one side do not impair readability on the other.Р’ If there are any questions about the me essay, acceptability of paper, contact the Institute Archives (, 617-253-5136). The standard size for theses is 8Р’Р… by 11 inches (see section on oversized pages). DOUBLE-SIDED OR SINGLE-SIDED PRINTING. Double-sided printing is strongly recommended. However, the paper should be sufficiently opaque so that text and illustrations on one side do not impair readability on our government today the other side. A single-sided illustration page in a double-sided thesis should be numbered on both sides. When creating a double-sided copy, be sure that the page numbers are either in the center or on the outside edge of potna each page. Charts, graphs, tables, etc., should be reduced whenever possible to an 8Р’Р…-by-11-inch format.Р’ If material is not reducible, oversize sheets must be folded to come within the text area so the aqr capital research papers, folds will not be trimmed off or bound in during the binding procedure.Р’ Acceptable 11-by-17-inch watermarked paper can be requested at CopyTech (11-004). Students may print their theses in full color.Р’ Theses containing color figures, illustrations, and photos will be scanned in color and converted to like, color PDFs for inclusion in DSpace@MIT.Р’ Please be aware that heavily saturated color graphics may “bleed through” and compromise legibility for double-sided pages.Р’ In such cases, use of single-sided printing or heavier, less transparent paper stock is advised.Р’. Pages containing photographs should be numbered as regular pages.Р’ A single-sided photograph page in a double-sided thesis should be numbered on both sides. All graphics must respect Р’ the 1” Р’ margins. Digital and magnetic materials such as cassette tapes, CDs, and DVDs may accompany the written text of the essay conclusion, thesis; one should accompany each copy of the thesis submitted . No guarantee can be given that the Libraries can preserve, reproduce, or make this information available in like me essay, the future. Therefore, when feasible, the dissertations 2005, information that is in these forms should also be represented in the written text of the thesis. A label containing the author's name, the date of the thesis, and the copyright notice must be applied to all material in non-paper format.Р’ The label should also include any relevant technical information, such as software or hardware specifications. Is the authorРІР‚в„ўs full name on the title page and the abstract?Р’ (See sections on like potna title page and abstract.) Before submitting to advanced thesis, your department. Are all necessary signatures on the title page of each copy? (See section on potna title page ) Institute Archives and Special Collections. Technology Licensing Office. One Cambridge Center. Cambridge, MA 02142. Office of the GeneralР’ Counsel. Office of the Dean for Graduate Education. Dean for Undergraduate Education. Office of the Vice President for aqr capital research papers Research. Prepared by the MIT Libraries. as prescribed by the Committee on Graduate Programs.
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