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Ethos analysis essay

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Expository Narrative on analysis essay, James Moore’s. One difficulty is that along with a policy vacuum there is a good for an essay, often a conceptual vacuum. Although a problem in computer ethics may seem clear initially, a little reflection reveals a conceptual muddle. What is analysis, needed in such cases is an analysis that provides a coherent conceptual framework within which to formulate a policy for action. (Moor, 1985, 266) Even though today computer ethics is no longer an idea in its infancy, there are many interpretations of how to write introduction paragraph for an ethics in ethos analysis, relation to information technology. We will write a custom essay sample. on Expository Narrative on James Moore’s or any similar. topic specifically for you. Today almost all companies use computer and information technology to ae publications serve their clients and because of that they have to have strong ethical standards for the conduct of their business. Microsoft Corporation’s “Four Pillars of Trustworthy Computing” (Reynolds, 2010) which combine security, privacy, reliability and integrity in a system focused on the aspect of trustworthiness – something Microsoft and other companies see as important. Moor’s 1985 essay and later work helped lay the ethos analysis, groundwork for the development of a policy, thus breaking down the discipline and obedience, vacuum for ethics in the computer age. Ethos Analysis. He added additional ideas in the 1990s, including the important notion of core human values: According to Moor, human values such as life, health, happiness, security, resources, opportunities, and knowledge, are so important for the survival of shakespeare of venice a community that all communities do hold them near and dear. Certainly if a community did not value the “core values”, it would soon cease to exist. It was these human “core values” that Moor used for examining computer ethics topics like privacy and security (Moor 1997), and to add an account of justice, which he called “just consequentialism” (Moor, 1999), a theory that combines “core values” and analysis essay, consequentialism with Bernard Gert’s deontological notion of “moral impartiality” using “the blindfold of justice” (Gert,1998). In his essay, Moor introduces the “conceptual vacuum,” which he says is the write paragraph, lack of terminology to define elements in a specific system or model. According to Moor, while it is possible for a conceptual vacuum to be discovered only after the policy vacuum is identified, it is the conceptual vacuum that needs to be addressed first. Page 2 Expository Narrative on analysis essay, James Moore’s Essay. Only then can the relevant actions and policies be implemented to solve a computer ethics problem. At least a basic understanding of writing to a scientific research paper terms and their relationship to one another, or “coherent conceptual framework,” (Moor, 1985) is necessary otherwise it would be close to impossible to define a computer ethics problem without understanding what a computer actually is and what it can do, and ethos essay, the specific ethical values, unique to computers systems. Conceptual vacuums may still exist in certain fields in which the introduction, conceptual framework remains unclear. As an example, today, in the field of advanced genetic engineering, cloning, and stem cell research conceptual vacuums may still exist, since these areas are not fully developed and the related terminologies are still not specifically defined. Since the field of essay computers itself was not fully understood any actions that were taken would still be subject to a policy vacuum. Moor also talks about logical malleability, which is and obedience essay, basically the concept of the computer’s ability to perform virtually any task, using ideas that can be represented as simple values. Since these values can represent anything, a computer is basically able to perform calculations or logical deductions in any area of work. Logical malleability, then, according to Moor, is the process of computers taking in information as input, processing it with a logical unit, and essay, then producing an output. In this way, computers become very much like human beings, where the central nervous system and discipline essay, the brain’s higher cognitive functions, processes the sensory input and ethos, the resultant thought or action the is output. Moor does say that “computers manipulate symbols but they don’t care what the introduction paragraph, symbols represent,” it is possible, however, for a user to assign priorities to certain processes or tasks in the form of a hierarchy of importance, the computer thinks a certain task is importance and treats accordingly is because it has been told (programmed) to do so. Moor’s comparison of the Computer Revolution to the Industrial Revolution is essay, spot on. He forecasts their methodological footsteps and their effects on creative writing, society to ethos analysis essay be similar. Hazlitt. According to him, In the Industrial Revolution there were two stages; the first was the implementation of technology, and the second was the permeation stage in which the workings of the economy became permeated with technology to analysis the extent that it became inconceivable to imagine any aspect of the essay, economy without technology and there was a transformational effect on the way people lived their lives and what they expected from society. Even though the essay was written in 1985, it seems that the Computer Revolution is still not over, in fact, it may be in a state of perpetual evolution much the same way as we are as human beings. Moore says that as computers become embedded in every aspect of our lives, they will not only alter the way lives are lived but make people question our values. As computerized machines take over craftsmanship, flying skills are automated by computer, and photographs are enhanced by picture enhancing software, some may question the value of the pride and joy of creating a masterpiece or the exhilaration of ethos analysis essay a perfect takeoff or landing. Moor’s highlights the essay, element of conceptual vacuum by considering the invisible environment in which computers carry out their functions. He argues that computers are not fool-proof and to base important ethical decisions on outcomes of computer calculations is wrong. As more and more aspects of life are computerized, we are taking the outputs of computers for ethos analysis essay, granted and writing an introduction to a, basing our decisions whether big or small, on those outputs without verifying the methodology behind those invisible processes. He makes the reader think hard about the essay, perceived infallibility of computers by using the example of a nuclear attack: For instance, computers are used by the military in making decisions about problem solving launching nuclear weapons. On the one hand, computers are fallible and there may not be time to confirm their assessment of the situation. On the other hand, making decisions about launching nuclear weapons without using computers maybe even more fallible and ethos, more dangerous. What should be our policy about trusting invisible calculations? Moore, 1985) Moor’s 1985 essay was a convincing argument for the consideration of computer ethics as an important and independent field of study. He highlighted some of the ethically questionable issues that may arise due to the use of computers, and how to write a good for an, illustrated his point with numerous examples. Some of the issues are obviously dated as this essay was written over a quarter century ago and ethos analysis essay, many of the an introduction, computerized processes now are far more evolved now than they were back then, making them more secure, for example, or fool-proof. Essay. One of the questions I’d like to ask Mr. Moor is about Internet marriages and divorce, and selected hazlitt, what his opinion vis-a-vis ethical considerations of divorce is about them. If a divorce can be applied for and granted online, can a marriage also not take place along similar lines and ethos analysis essay, should it be accepted in a court of law, especially if a judge or magistrate is a witness on problem solving help, camera? Another question that I’d like to ask Mr. Moore is ethos analysis, based off of his comparison of the Computer Revolution to the Industrial Revolution. I don’t feel that the Computer Revolution can be defined in two stages like he described the Industrial Revolution. While the Industrial Revolution changed the way we lived our lives, computers as they get embedded into problem solving, every aspect of essay our daily lives continue to do so every day and this is not something that seems to have an end point. Creative. As our values change in step with advances in computers, does he think that at analysis essay, some point we may even question the very notion of introduction essay computers not being part of a certain aspect of life if it were? Would not our thinking also change and our standards not be based on life without computers to even ask why we depend on computers so much? My last question for Mr.

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analyse the ethos analysis essay, case study and writing to a scientific paper descriptive approach to research

Table of Contents. 41: Descriptive Research Methodologies. Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of either quantitative or qualitative research methodologies, but instead it can utilize elements of both, often within the essay, same study. The term descriptive research refers to a good introduction paragraph for an, the type of research question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect. The type of question asked by the researcher will ultimately determine the analysis, type of approach necessary to complete an accurate assessment of the ae publications creative, topic at hand. Descriptive studies, primarily concerned with finding out "what is," might be applied to investigate the analysis, following questions: Do teachers hold favorable attitudes toward using computers in schools? What kinds of activities that involve technology occur in sixth-grade classrooms and how frequently do they occur? What have been the reactions of school administrators to technological innovations in shakespeare, teaching the social sciences? How have high school computing courses changed over the last 10 years? How do the new multimediated textbooks compare to the print-based textbooks? How are decisions being made about using Channel One in schools, and for those schools that choose to use it, how is Channel One being implemented? What is the best way to essay, provide access to computer equipment in schools? How should instructional designers improve software design to make the software more appealing to students? To what degree are special-education teachers well versed concerning assistive technology? Is there a relationship between experience with multimedia computers and discipline essay problem-solving skills? How successful is a certain satellite-delivered Spanish course in terms of motivational value and academic achievement? Do teachers actually implement technology in the way they perceive? How many people use the AECT gopher server, and what do they use if for? Descriptive research can be either quantitative or qualitative. It can involve collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical form, such as scores on a test or the number of times a person chooses to use a-certain feature of a multimedia program, or it can describe categories of information such as gender or patterns of interaction when using technology in ethos analysis essay, a group situation. Descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as graphs and creative charts to aid the reader in understanding the ethos analysis, data distribution. Because the human mind cannot extract the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive statistics are very important in solving help, reducing the data to manageable form. Ethos Analysis Essay. When in-depth, narrative descriptions of discipline essay, small numbers of cases are involved, the research uses description as a tool to analysis essay, organize data into patterns that emerge during analysis. How To A Good Paragraph For An. Those patterns aid the mind in comprehending a qualitative study and its implications. Most quantitative research falls into two areas: studies that describe events and studies aimed at discovering inferences or causal relationships. Descriptive studies are aimed at finding out "what is," so observational and ethos survey methods are frequently used to collect descriptive data (Borg & Gall, 1989). Studies of shakespeare essay, this type might describe the essay, current state of an introduction research paper, multimedia usage in schools or patterns of ethos analysis essay, activity resulting from group work at the computer. An example of this is Cochenour, Hakes, and Neal's (1994) study of writing, trends in compressed video applications with education and the private sector. Descriptive studies report summary data such as measures of central tendency including the mean, median, mode, deviance from the ethos essay, mean, variation, percentage, and correlation between variables. Survey research commonly includes that type of solving, measurement, but often goes beyond the descriptive statistics in order to draw inferences. Ethos Analysis Essay. See, for example, Signer's (1991) survey of computer-assisted instruction and at-risk students, or Nolan, McKinnon, and Soler's (1992) research on achieving equitable access to school computers. Thick, rich descriptions of phenomena can also emerge from qualitative studies, case studies, observational studies, interviews, and portfolio assessments. Robinson's (1994) case study of and obedience, a televised news program in essay, classrooms and Lee's (1994) case study about identifying values concerning school restructuring are excellent examples of case studies. Descriptive research is unique in an introduction to a scientific research, the number of variables employed. Like other types of research, descriptive research can include multiple variables for analysis, yet unlike other methods, it requires only one variable (Borg & Gall, 1989). For example, a descriptive study might employ methods of analyzing correlations between multiple variables by using tests such as Pearson's Product Moment correlation, regression, or multiple regression analysis. Good examples of ethos analysis essay, this are the a good essay, Knupfer and ethos analysis essay Hayes (1994) study about the hazlitt, effects of the Channel One broadcast on knowledge of analysis essay, current events, Manaev's (1991) study about mass media effectiveness, McKenna's (1993) study of the discipline essay, relationship between attributes of a radio program and it's appeal to listeners, Orey and Nelson's (1994) examination of learner interactions with hypermedia environments, and Shapiro's (1991) study of ethos, memory and decision processes. On the other hand, descriptive research might simply report the percentage summary on a single variable. Examples of this are the tally of reference citations in selected instructional design and technology journals by Anglin and Towers (1992); Barry's (1994) investigation of the controversy surrounding advertising and Channel One; Lu, Morlan, Lerchlorlarn, Lee, and Dike's (1993) investigation of the international utilization of media in education (1993); and Pettersson, Metallinos, Muffoletto, Shaw, and Takakuwa's (1993) analysis of the use of ae publications creative, verbo-visual information in teaching geography in various countries. Descriptive statistics utilize data collection and analysis techniques that yield reports concerning the measures of central tendency, variation, and correlation. The combination of its characteristic summary and correlational statistics, along with its focus on specific types of research questions, methods, and outcomes is what distinguishes descriptive research from other research types. Three main purposes of research are to describe, explain, and validate findings. Description emerges following creative exploration, and analysis serves to organize the findings in order to fit them with explanations, and then test or validate those explanations (Krathwohl, 1993). Many research studies call for the description of natural or man-made phenomena such as their form, structure, activity, change over time, relation to other phenomena, and so on. The description often illuminates knowledge that we might not otherwise notice or even encounter. Several important scientific discoveries as well as anthropological information about events outside of our common experiences have resulted from selected william hazlitt, making such descriptions. For example, astronomers use their telescopes to develop descriptions of different parts of the universe, anthropologists describe life events of socially atypical situations or cultures uniquely different from our own, and educational researchers describe activities within classrooms concerning the implementation of technology. This process sometimes results in the discovery of stars and stellar events, new knowledge about value systems or practices of other cultures, or even the reality of classroom life as new technologies are implemented within schools. Educational researchers might use observational, survey, and interview techniques to collect data about group dynamics during computer-based activities. These data could then be used to ethos analysis, recommend specific strategies for implementing computers or improving teaching strategies. Two excellent studies concerning the role of collaborative groups were conducted by problem solving help Webb (1982), and Rysavy and Sales (1991). Noreen Webb's landmark study used descriptive research techniques to investigate collaborative groups as they worked within classrooms. Rysavy and Sales also apply a descriptive approach to study the ethos essay, role of group collaboration for working at scientific paper, computers. Analysis Essay. The Rysavy and Sales approach did not observe students in classrooms, but reported certain common findings that emerged through a literature search. Descriptive studies have an how to write paragraph for an essay, important role in ethos, educational research. They have greatly increased our knowledge about what happens in problem help, schools. Some of the essay, important books in education have reported studies of this type: Life in Classrooms, by Philip Jackson; The Good High School, by Sara Lawrence Lightfoot; Teachers and Machines: The Classroom Use of Technology Since 1920, by ae publications Larry Cuban; A Place Called School, by John Goodlad; Visual Literacy: A Spectrum of Learning, by D. Ethos. M. Moore and Dwyer; Computers in Education: Social, Political, and shakespeare essay merchant Historical Perspectives, by Muffoletto and Knupfer; and Contemporary Issues in American Distance Education, by M. G. Moore. Henry J. Becker's (1986) series of survey reports concerning the implementation of computers into schools across the United States as well as Nancy Nelson Knupfer's (1988) reports about teacher's opinions and patterns of computer usage also fit partially within the analysis, realm of descriptive research. Both studies describe categories of data and use statistical analysis to examine correlations between specific variables. Both also go beyond the bounds of descriptive research and conduct further statistical procedures appropriate to their research questions, thus enabling them to make further recommendations about implementing computing technology in ways to support grassroots change and equitable practices within the schools. Ae Publications. Finally, Knupfer's study extended the analysis and analysis conclusions in order to yield suggestions for instructional designers involved with educational computing. 41.1.1 The Nature of Descriptive Research. The descriptive function of creative, research is heavily dependent on instrumentation for measurement and observation (Borg & Gall, 1989). Researchers may work for many years to perfect such instrumentation so that the ethos essay, resulting measurement will be accurate, reliable, and generalizable. Instruments such as the electron microscope, standardized tests for various purposes, the United States census, Michael Simonson's questionnaires about computer usage, and scores of thoroughly validated questionnaires are examples of some instruments that yield valuable descriptive data. Once the essay, instruments are developed, they can be used to describe phenomena of interest to essay, the researchers. The intent of some descriptive research is to produce statistical information about problem aspects of education that interests policy makers and educators. The National Center for Education Statistics specializes in this kind of research. Many of its findings are published in an annual volume. called Digest of Educational Statistics. The center also administers the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which collects descriptive information about how well the nation's youth are doing in analysis, various subject areas. A typical NAEP publication is The Reading Report Card, which provides descriptive information about the reading achievement of junior high and a good paragraph high school students during the past 2 decades. On a larger scale, the International Association for ethos, the Evaluation of writing, Education Achievement (IEA) has done major descriptive studies comparing the academic achievement levels of students in many different nations, including the United States (Borg & Gall, 1989). Within the United States, huge amounts of information are being gathered continuously by the Office of Technology Assessment, which influences policy concerning technology in education. As a way of analysis, offering guidance about the potential of technologies for distance education, that office has published a book called Linking for Learning: A New Course for Education, which offers descriptions of distance education and its potential. There has been an ongoing debate among researchers about the value of quantitative (see 40.1.2) versus qualitative research, and certain remarks have targeted descriptive research as being less pure than traditional experimental, quantitative designs. Rumors abound that young researchers must conduct quantitative research in order to get published in help, Educational Technology Research and Development and other prestigious journals in the field. One camp argues the benefits of a scientific approach to essay, educational research, thus preferring the experimental, quantitative approach, while the other camp posits the need to recognize the unique human side of educational research questions and thus prefers to use qualitative research methodology. Because descriptive research spans both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, it brings the ability to describe events in greater or less depth as needed, to focus on various elements of different research techniques, and to engage quantitative statistics to organize information in problem solving help, meaningful ways. The citations within this chapter provide ample evidence that descriptive research can indeed be published in prestigious journals. Descriptive studies can yield rich data that lead to important recommendations. Essay. For example, Galloway (1992) bases recommendations for teaching with computer analogies on descriptive data, and Wehrs (1992) draws reasonable conclusions about using expert systems to support academic advising. On the other hand, descriptive research can be misused by those who do not understand its purpose and limitations. For example, one cannot try to draw conclusions that show cause and effect, because that is beyond the bounds of the statistics employed. Borg and Gall (1989) classify the outcomes of educational research into the four categories of description, prediction, improvement, and explanation. They say that descriptive research describes natural or man-made educational phenomena that is an introduction to a paper, of interest to ethos, policy makers and educators. Predictions of educational phenomenon seek to determine whether certain students are at risk and if teachers should use different techniques to instruct them. Research about improvement asks whether a certain technique does something to help students learn better and whether certain interventions can improve student learning by applying causal-comparative, correlational, and experimental methods. Selected William. The final category of explanation posits that research is able to explain a set of phenomena that leads to our ability to essay, describe, predict, and control the phenomena with a high level of certainty and accuracy. This usually takes the form of theories. The methods of collecting data for ae publications creative, descriptive research can be employed singly or in various combinations, depending on the research questions at hand. Descriptive research often calls upon quasi-experimental research design (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Some of the analysis essay, common data collection methods applied to questions within the realm of descriptive research include surveys, interviews, observations, and portfolios. Updated August 3, 2001. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
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