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Cause and effect thesis builder

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Torture can be defined as, вЂthe officially sanctioned infliction of intense suffering, aimed at forcing someone to do or say something against his or her will.’ (Rodley, 2000: 7) Under international law it is illegal to use torture in cause thesis any situation whatsoever. Although torture undoubtedly continues throughout the world, the moral argument prohibiting it was won during the enlightenment and the debate was closed by twentieth century international legal prohibitions. However, the question of torture has resurfaced in the context of the “War on Terror” as people face up to ged essay prompts, the possibility of WMD terrorism. The dilemma is cause and effect, most commonly expressed in the problem of the вЂticking bomb terrorist.’ In this essay I will argue that torture is always morally wrong. I will do this through a careful examination of the вЂticking bomb’ scenario which is often used as a justification for torture in extreme cases. After explaining the scenario and the deontological and thesis in communication, consequentialist approaches to it, I will discuss its flaws. One section will address the immediate weaknesses of the scenario, and another will look at the wider implications of a decision to cause and effect thesis builder, torture. I will conclude that torture is morally wrong and that the arguments overwhelmingly support the need for a complete prohibition. However, I also recognise the moral difficulty of the вЂticking bomb’ decision and accept that this provides a mitigating factor for those who choose to torture in these circumstances. Deontologists, Consequentialists and the вЂTicking Bomb’ The вЂticking bomb’ scenario is a commonly cited moral problem that causes us to question our moral priorities. It supposes that a plot has been discovered to destroy areas of a city with bombs which are soon to explode. It would be impossible to evacuate the city in time but possible to disarm the goldwater scholarship requirements, bombs if they could be found. A suspect, who knows the location of the bombs, is arrested by the police but refuses to divulge the information during interrogation. Can the suspect be tortured to extract the cause and effect, information? The scenario forces us to make a choice between two evils; we can choose to do no harm ourselves, but our passivity will have terrible consequences, or we can do something morally repulsive, and torture a suspect to save the lives of others. And Contrast Essay Block? The opposing sides of the argument are usually found in the form of deontological and consequentialist approaches. Deontologism is an approach which seeks to create universal rules for the morality of human action; its ideas of builder common humanity and fundamental human rights were very influential in the banning of torture. (Turner, 2005: 7, 15) Kant’s deontological approach creates two universal rules by which moral questions can be addressed: вЂAct as though the maxim of scholarship essay your action were by your will to become a universal law of nature,’ and вЂAct so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.’ (in Turner, 2005: 14) Under the first rule, the and effect, act of torture cannot be justified as we would not accept it being universalised and list ged essay prompts, potentially used against ourselves. Cause And Effect? Under the second, torture is wrong because torturing a person for information is to use them as a means only. (Turner, 2005: 15) Thus Kant’s logic leads to the conclusion that torture cannot be justified under any circumstances. The individual who chooses not to torture makes the ae publications creative, correct moral decision regarding their actions despite the terrible consequences that might result. On the other side of the and effect, argument, consequentialists see no action is bad in itself because morality is decided by consequences of actions. The вЂgood’ of saving the innocent people must be weighed up against the вЂbad’ (torturing the suspect) in order to make a decision on the correct course of action. Bentham calls this method of moral evaluation the вЂprincipal of utility.’ (in Turner, 2005: 16-7) This approach has great strengths but also creates complex questions: is torture still the lesser evil if it only saves one person? Is it morally right to torture a person’s children to extract a confession? Is it morally right to torture ninety-nine people in an attempt to save one-hundred others? In theory this type of thinking can justify extreme inhumanity as long as it is goldwater scholarship, calculated as the and effect thesis builder, lesser evil. (Dershowitz, 2002: 146) The deontologist-consequentialist debate over torture provides a useful background and reflects common reasoning when faced with this dilemma. Our immediate focus is on the inhumanity of torture (emphasised by deontologists) and the numerically greater threat to list prompts, innocent people (emphasised by consequentialists). However, the cause and effect builder, situation is presented deceptively simply; the next section will examine its flaws. Hypothetical Situation or Real-Life Dilemma? The ticking bomb scenario is a carefully constructed puzzle. It presupposes a strong disinclination towards torture and therefore the situation is framed in in communication skills the way where a defence of an absolute torture ban is at its most difficult; in and effect extreme examples of a вЂticking bomb’ situation the consequentialist arguments for torture can become overwhelming. Compare And Contrast Block? (Pfiffner, 2005: 21) What if the suspect admitted their guilt but refused to give the necessary information? What if the consequence of inaction would be to allow a nuclear explosion? The scenario can always be made more extreme and and effect thesis builder, the justification for torture made safe. (Shue, 1978: 141-2) As a result, few thinkers challenge the justifications provided in these extreme situations and, instead, prefer to take on the situation itself. The вЂticking bomb’ scenario can be challenged as it rests on many implicit assumptions. We must have some grounds to believe that the вЂticking bomb’ exists, that the suspect has the information we require, that torture is the only method to elicit this information, that torture is likely to provide us with accurate information, and finally, that averting the attack will be possible but not avoidable without the information. These five assumptions are the basis on which the вЂticking bomb’ dilemma rests; torture may be justified if all are present but if any one is absent torture is list ged essay prompts, no longer вЂnecessary’ and is therefore much harder to justify. (Pfiffner, 2005: 7) I will take each assumption in turn to demonstrate the inherent problems in the scenario. The first condition, knowledge of the existence of the вЂticking bomb’, seems self explanatory; the situation cannot exist without it. However, in cause and effect thesis reality there is little certain intelligence; would torture still be justified if there was only student some, weak evidence? Or if we didn’t know whether the bomb would be planted soon or far in the future? The justification for torture where we are uncertain about the existence of the bomb is weakened as its necessity is much harder to demonstrate. Secondly, we must have reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect holds the cause thesis builder, information that we need. The argument for torture is severely weakened if it is creative, likely that the suspect is innocent and unable to help our enquiries. In terms of efficiency, torturing the wrong person is and effect thesis builder, a waste of time and, on a more human level, we must decide on the value of protecting the innocent from pain. Compare? The less certain we are that the suspect holds the information we need, the less we can justify ill-treatment of cause and effect that person. Thirdly, we must believe that torture will extract the necessary information and that other methods will not. If there is another way to list prompts, induce the subject to and effect, talk our humanity must rule out any justification for torture; it can only be justifiable as a last resort. There are many other methods of interrogation that must have been tried and books, failed – developing rapport, plea bargaining, trickery, positive and negative psychological techniques, surveillance, disorientation and other non-damaging psychological methods. Cause And Effect Builder? (Pfiffner, 2005: 15; Meyer, 2005; Saul, 2005: 3-4; Bowden, 2003) The argument may still be made that the price of failure to find the information makes an early recourse to torture worthwhile but the moral case is severely weakened as a result. In addition to the above concerns about the usefulness of skills torture, the fourth assumption requires that torture will cause the thesis builder, subject to divulge accurate information. This is highly questionable as torture may force answers but there is no guarantee that they will be truthful (Rodley, 2000: 8) Under torture, a knowledgeable suspect may not tell the truth and an innocent suspect cannot; there can be no method of distinguishing between the two. Arar, a victim of the US’s вЂextraordinary rendition’ program, claimed that, under torture, he eventually confessed to whatever was demanded, “You just give up. You become like an animal.” (in Mayer, 2005) In short, torturing a person can give you no guarantee of obtaining accurate or useful information. Finally, the scenario rests upon the presumption that it will be possible to essay style, save lives if the information is obtained. This is an important consideration as without it the torture is no longer necessary. If torture is carried out and effect thesis builder when the information cannot be of any use in saving lives (e.g. if there would not be enough time remaining), it becomes punishment and, arguably, is unjustifiable. These five areas of criticism demonstrate the ged essay prompts, weakness of the вЂticking bomb’ scenario as it is usually presented. Once uncertainty is added into thesis the equation, the moral strength of the decision to torture is removed. In particular, the case rests on student dissertations, highly flawed beliefs in the usefulness of builder torture to produce truth. The scenario is far removed from the uncertainties of life; in reality the bomb might not exist, the suspect might be completely innocent, the torture may induce lies or come too late, and there might be some other way to prevent the catastrophe. Student? While it would be very difficult to argue that a scenario that makes torture absolutely necessary could never exist in reality, we can confidently say that it is highly improbable. Having demonstrated the weakness of the cause and effect, case for the moral justification of вЂticking bomb’ torture, I will now turn to the case for prohibition. The simplicity of the вЂticking bomb’ scenario serves to hide the context of the puzzle and the wider moral dilemmas it entails. We are encouraged to consider only the thesis skills, immediate consequences of cause and effect builder action and inaction which serves to strengthen the case for torture. However, the context can be widened to essay, examine the implications of undermining the international torture taboo and allowing the thesis, likely extension of the practice, the adverse effects on those asked to torture, and the undermining of the judicial system. This context serves to present a strong case against morally condoning or legalising torture in any situation. When considering only one вЂticking bomb’ case, we can easily miss the potential effects of our moral choice on the social and international norms prohibiting torture. At the end of the twentieth century, the taboo against torture was arguably complete; during UN discussions in the 1970s, leading up to the’ Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment,’ not one country spoke against the principal of the agreement. (Rodley, 2000: 21) However, the question of torture has resurfaced in the new millennium with the declaration of a “War on Terror” by the US. It is argued by US officials that the scale and unpredictability of the student, threat, as well as the lack of human intelligence sources, make harsher interrogation methods a necessity. (Pfiffner, 2005: 12; Mayer, 2005) Alan Dershowitz has argued that there would be public outcry in any democracy that failed to use all necessary means to prevent terrorist attacks. (2002: 150) This is perhaps why we have seen an increase in вЂcoercive’ interrogation techniques being used on thesis, suspected US enemies since 9/11. And Contrast Style? In particular, the practice of вЂextraordinary rendition,’ which вЂdisappears’ suspects to allow information to be secretly extracted from them under torture, has greatly increased in scale since 9/11. Thesis Builder? (Meyer, 2005) For the US to allow, and even encourage, such a breach of human rights is severely weakening the norms prohibiting torture. If, under the stress of the “War on Terror,” the thesis in communication skills, world’s most powerful state was to exempt itself from the thesis builder, international laws governing the treatment of prisoners, it is ae publications writing, unlikely that the norm would hold. (Dershowitz, 2002: 142) As Colin Powell observedin a memo opposing the exemption of Guantanamo Bay detainees from the Geneva Convention, “It will reverse over a century of policy…” (Pfiffner, 2005: 12) If a decision was made to justify torture in some cases, it would have worldwide repercussions for the sanctity of human rights. (Saul, 2005: 3) вЂSlippery slope’ arguments also address the wider implications of and effect thesis justifying torture. Ged Essay? They are concerned with the gap between theory and thesis, practice; arguing that the theoretical limits imposed upon the use of block style torture would never work in practice. It is well documented that torture spreads from one class of prisoner to others, from thesis builder, one type of treatment to harsher types, and from one emergency situation to classification books essay, routine use. (Shue, 1978: 141; Saul, 2005: 3; Pfiffner, 2005: 21) The Israeli experience demonstrates these dangers. In 1987, the Landau Commission advised that coercive interrogation of Palestinian terror suspects should be legalised in extreme cases. For вЂmoderate physical pressure’ to be used the interrogators would have to demonstrate a вЂnecessity’ such as a вЂticking bomb’ situation. (B’Tselem, 2006) However, by 1999, the evidence that this ruling was being abused had become so overwhelming that the practice was outlawed by and effect thesis, the Supreme Court. (Bowden, 2003) It was estimated that during this period 66% to writing, 85% of all Palestinian suspects were ill-treated and builder, that in many cases this amounted to torture. Supposed вЂticking bomb’ cases were pursued on weekdays but were not severe enough to dissertations, warrant weekend interrogation; torture had become вЂroutine, systematic, and and effect thesis builder, institutionalized’ (B’Tselem, 2006) Through returning to a complete ban, the legal repercussions for potential torturers are able to act as a deterrent. Another consequence that is little considered is the impact that becoming a torturer would have on dissertations, the individual responsible. Torture is not possible without the brutalisation of the torturer; you must вЂlose your soul’ if you are to save the victims. Cause? (Pfiffner, 2005: 20; Meyer, 2005) To torture requires us to block, overcome our socially conditioned abhorrence of violence and to accept the psychological repercussions. Shue argues that torture carries a much greater moral stigma (and therefore requires greater brutalisation) than killing in war, for example, as it constitutes an cause and effect act of violence against an entirely defenceless being. (Shue, 1978: 130) The argument for legally sanctioned torture in some situations overlooks the secondary source of suffering it requires; the harmful psychological and social consequences endured by people who must train in and practice torture. To require this of someone is morally very problematic. A further adverse consequence of allowing torture in some cases is the impact it would have upon the judicial system. The US has experienced this problem in relation to its practice of вЂextraordinary rendition.’ Secretly sending suspects for ae publications creative writing interrogation in countries known to use torture may occasionally provide useful information but torture evidence cannot be used in any reputable court. US government refusal to allow some of its prisoners to cause and effect thesis, testify in criminal trials has led many to believe that the US is essay, hiding the evidence of torture. As a result, the builder, trial of Zacarias Moussaoui in compare and contrast essay relation to the 9/11 attacks was stalled for four years and, in 2004, Mounir Motassadeq, the cause thesis builder, first person to be convicted of planning the attacks, had his sentence overturned because the allowable evidence against him was too weak. Goldwater Essay? (Meyer, 2005) The arguments concerning the erosion of thesis international norms, вЂslippery slope’ extension of classification books torture, and the undermining of justice present the cause builder, much larger context of the вЂticking bomb’ dilemma. They demonstrate the implications of accepting any moral or legal justification for classification books torture; implications which could potentially affect millions of people. The wider context of вЂticking bomb’ torture can be used to sway consequentialist arguments away from the thesis builder, justification for torture as long term suffering would likely outweigh short term gains. Moral Universalism and Human Choice. Despite the thesis in communication, wider case against torture, a person confronted with the immediate choices in the вЂticking bomb’ case is unlikely to and effect thesis builder, take these issues into account; вЂinterrogators will still use coercion because in some cases they will deem it worth the consequences’ (Bowden, 2003) Few people would be unable to see a moral basis for torture if it was carried out in list a reasonably clear вЂticking bomb’ case and if the intention of the torturer was to вЂdo the right thing.’ The difficulties of the thesis, immediate choice between carrying out scholarship essay requirements torture and and effect builder, allowing deaths make it difficult to morally condemn the unfortunate person charged with deciding. Following from the arguments above, it is dangerous to approve the creative, practice of torture in any circumstances because of the consequences this could have on a wide range of people. Accompanying the moral arguments against torture, there must be legal procedures to ensure that the perpetrators of torture are brought to justice. The inhumanity of the and effect, act, along with its questionable usefulness and wider implications, makes torture always morally wrong. However, the compare and contrast essay block, humanity of the situation; (it will always be individual people who must make the decisions) must be taken into account as a mitigating factor. The вЂticking bomb’ case provides perhaps the most convincing justification for torture that we have. Thesis? In this essay, I have sought to argue that torture is always morally wrong through a critique of this scenario and through exposing the moral problems that it serves to obscure. After explaining the problem as it is presented and outlining the main arguments for and against torture, I have shown the immediate flaws in the scenario. These include assumptions of the existence of the dissertations, bomb, the guilt of the suspect, the effectiveness of cause torture and student, ineffectiveness of other methods, and the ability to prevent the builder, disaster. List Prompts? Each is extremely unlikely to be certain in reality, however straightforwardly they may be presented in the moral puzzle, and each uncertainty weakens the case that torture is necessary and, therefore, justified. In particular, the assumption that torture will produce accurate information is deeply flawed as it can provide no measure for truth and cannot distinguish the guilty from the innocent. Having shown the weaknesses of the case for torture, I then went on to make the case that torture is always morally wrong. The evidence for this is found largely in the wider context of the situation, where we can see implications of legitimising the practice that go beyond the immediate life and death of the situation itself. The erosion of the and effect thesis, torture prohibition that could be caused by justifying and legalising the practice, and the вЂslippery slope’ from exceptional to routine use of torture, would have very wide implications and could lead to ae publications creative writing, the torture of cause builder many individuals across the world. There would undoubtedly be innocent victims faced with long-term suffering as a result, and these victims would include those required to carry out torture. Dissertations? Further, the use of torture makes it impossible to thesis, use any evidence collected in goldwater scholarship essay a criminal trial and the US has already begun to see key suspects being acquitted as a result. These arguments lead me to believe that torture is cause builder, unjustifiable, even in extreme cases. However, because the immediate choice is so difficult and because the person making it is possesses human emotions and instincts, I would not absolutely condemn the decision to torture provided it was made in ae publications creative writing an emergency situation and with the correct intention. Cause Thesis Builder? To make prior judgement that torture is justified in and contrast style some circumstances is dangerous and wrong – torture must be prosecuted as a crime wherever it occurs. However, to recognise the mitigating circumstances when it occurs is also important. Bowden, M. вЂThe Dark Art of Interrogation’ in and effect builder The Atlantic Monthly (October, 2003) (Accessed online, 26/02/06 at B’Tselem, вЂTorture: Background on the High Court of essay Justice’s Decision’ (Accessed online, 08/03/06 at Cogan, C. вЂHunters not Gatherers: Intelligence in and effect builder the Twenty-First Century’ in Scott and Jackson (Eds.) Understanding intelligence in the Twenty-First Century: Journeys in prompts Shadows (Routledge, 2004) Dershowitz, A.M. вЂWhy Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge’ (Yale University Press, 2002) Erskine, T. “As rays of light to the Human soul”? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering’ in Scott and Jackson (Eds.) Understanding intelligence in the Twenty-First Century: Journeys in Shadows (Routledge, 2004) Herman, M. вЂEthics and Intelligence after September 2001’ in Scott and Jackson (Eds.) Understanding intelligence in the Twenty-First Century: Journeys in Shadows (Routledge, 2004) Mayer, J. вЂThe secret history of America’s “extraordinary rendition” program’ in The New Yorker Annals of Justice: Outsourcing Torture, 2005 (Accessed online 20/12/06 at Pfiffner J.P. вЂTorture and Public Management: The Ethics of Interrogation’ Paper prepared for presentation at the Conference on Ethics and Integrity of and effect builder Governance :Leuven, Belgium, 2005. (accessed online 20/02/06 at………) Rodley, N.S. вЂThe Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law’ (2 nd edition) (Oxford University Press, 2000) Saul, B, вЂTorture Degrades Us All’ for Foreign Policy in Focus 2005 (Accessed online, 20/02/06 at Shue, H. вЂTorture’ in Philosophy and Public Affairs Vol.7 No.2 (1978) Turner, B. вЂKicking the Torture Habit: John Dewey, Dirty Harry and the Torture Debate’ presented at creative writing the Political Philosophy Colloquium (2005) (Accessed online, 28/02/06 at Nicholas Vrousalis, вЂIs torture ever justified?’ (Nov 23 rd , 2005, accessed online, 20/02/06 at Washington Post, вЂBust and thesis, Boom’ 30/12/01 (Accessed online, 02/03/06 at Written by: Katie Smith. Written at: Aberystwyth University. Written for: Dr. Creative Writing? Toni Erskine. All content on cause, the website is published under the following Creative Commons License. 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Writing a Cause-Effect Essay: Developing a Thesis Statement

To download a pdf of the Content pages, click here. Problem Solving and the Nursing Process. Burns and Grove define problem solving as the systematic identification of cause thesis builder, a problem, determination of goals relating to creative writing, the problem, identification and possible approaches to achieve these goals, implementation of selected approaches, and cause builder, evaluation of goal achievement. 12. Lipe and Beasley characterize problem solving as a systematic approach resulting in the formation of solutions which involves the identification of the root problem through analysis. 13. Notably, problem solving is used in various situations, such as, deciding which is the best route to take to work, deciding where to live or, clinically, how to position a patient with a fractured hip. Table 1: Comparison of the Problem Solving Process and Nursing Process. Adapted from Lipe, Saundra K. and Beasley, Sharon (2004) Critical Thinking in Nursing, A Cognitive Skills Workbook. Philadelphia , Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Scott suggests that the most recognizable tool for clinical problem solving is the nursing process. 14 Scott identifies this process as a five step mechanism beginning with the gathering of data, proceeding through assessment, diagnosis, planning and ending with evaluating the success of the nursing care provided. Burns and Grove conceive of the nursing process as a subset of the problem solving process. Prompts. 15 The steps in the nursing process similar to Scott’s: Assessment: this involves the collection and interpretation of data to be used in developing a nursing diagnosis. This would include an cause and effect thesis, assessment of the nurse’s patients with a focus on the problems that caused their hospital admissions. For example if they were admitted for thesis in communication skills, myocardial infarction, they should be checked for cause thesis, chest pain or dyspnea. Diagnosis: this step is the process of identifying and classifying data collection during assessment in order to block, develop the plan of cause and effect thesis builder, care. Accepted nursing diagnosis came from the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I). A nursing diagnosis sets the stage for determining patient outcomes. The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses in the Perioperative Nursing Data Sets have identified desired patient outcomes. Outcome identification: once the nursing diagnosis is determined the perioperative nurse identifies the desired outcome. The outcome is list measureable and provides direction for outlining a plan of care. Plan: after collecting and interpreting the data, identifying the nursing diagnosis and desired outcome a plan of care is developed and communicated to the team. Implementation: put the plan into action, in other words, perform the nursing activities and interventions and respond with critical thinking. This step is where the standards, guidelines and best practices are implemented. Evaluation: this entails checking, observing and appraising the results of interventions taken during the thesis, implementation phase. Modification: both the problem solving process and the nursing process are cyclical. If the process is not effective, then all of the steps must be reexamined and modified and a new course of action is implemented. All theorists agree that both problem solving and the nursing process involve the identification of a root problem through analysis. Thesis In Communication Skills. Burns and cause thesis, Grove refer to ae publications, this as, “assessment in the nursing process”, which involves the collection and interpretation of data for the development of the nursing diagnosis. 16 The diagnosis, then, guides the remaining steps of the cause and effect, nursing process, just as the step of defining the problem directs the remaining steps of the problem solving process. The planning step in the nursing process is the same as the problem solving process. Goldwater Essay Requirements. Both processes involved implementation, or putting a plan into action, an evaluation or determination of the effectiveness of the cause and effect, process. And the problem solving process and the nursing process are cyclic. If the process is not effective, all steps should be reviewed and classification books, revised and the process implemented. A 90 year old female is scheduled for fixation of a fractured hip. She has been transferred from a nearby nursing home where her mobility is limited. The patient record indicates she has chronic bladder incontinence. One nursing diagnosis that you have considered is “risk for impaired skin integrity”. What factors have you taken into consideration to arrive at cause thesis, this nursing diagnosis? Considerations. Based on the assessment of this patient, what interventions are you planning for the patient during surgery? Considerations. To summarize, the nursing process is in communication problem solving applied to cause, nursing and is used in developing a plan of care for individual patients and patient needs. Ged Essay Prompts. Moreover, the nursing process can be applied to solve problems relating to issues that affect patients as well as staff, such as cost containment, productivity and quality of thesis builder, care. 17. In the process of analyzing a problem the nurse should: Focus on the symptom of the student, problem. Focus on the cause of the problem. For the patient who has cancer and is having radical neck resection and refuses to have a blood transfusion, what reasoning might you consider? Religous objections such as Jehovah Witness. Fear of blood borne disease. Prior negative experience with transfusions. Problem Solving and Decision Making. Although problem solving and decision making are often viewed as synonymous, the concepts are very different when examined closely. Decision making involves choosing between various options and it is a critical step in the problem solving process. An example of a decision making tool would be a clinical pathway or algorithm for a patient having a colon resection. The nursing staff follows the clinical pathway which is builder outlined for the patient upon admission and compare and contrast style, guides the care until discharge. Cause And Effect Builder. The algorithm is a decision tree that guides the care of the patient. The nurse is scholarship essay requirements required to either make a “yes” or “no” response and the response made provides alternatives for care. Not all decision making is related to a problem; for example, choosing which clothes to wear to work or what to have for lunch is a decision. This is cause more a matter of preference and does not necessarily require proceeding through a rigorous problem solving process in order to make these decisions. Problem solving, on student the other hand, involves assessment and analysis of a problem. It is a rigorous process that leads to the formulation and and effect thesis, implementation of solutions. Many factors influence decision making and includes emotions, values and prompts, perceptions. All of these contribute to the choices we make for ourselves as well as our patients. The most effective decision maker is a proactive individual who is self-confident and comfortable with the cause, decisions they make. Making competent, sound decisions in perioperative patient care is one of the most critical processes a nurse must cultivate. Questions: Is the process for compare essay block, decision making the same as the cause and effect, problem-solving process? Your operating room has a written protocol to adminster antibiotic therapy 30 minutes to 1 (one) hour before surgery as a prophylaxis measure to prevent surgical site infection. What patients might you make the decision to NOT give the preoperative antibiotic?

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The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21). Vol. 15. Colonial and Revolutionary Literature; Early National Literature, Part I. A. Cause And Effect Builder. Collected Works. 1779. Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces; Arranged under the following Heads, and Distinguished by list ged essay, Initial Letters in and effect builder, Each Leaf: (G.P.) General Politics; (A.B.T.) American Politics before the Troubles; (A.D.T.) American Politics during the Troubles; (P.P.) Provincial or Colony Politics; and (M.P.) Miscellaneous or Philosophical Pieces …. Now first col-lected …. London. [Ed. Prompts. Vaughan, B.] Italian translation, Padua, 1783. 1780. Des Herrn D.Benjamin Franklin’s … sàmmtliche Werke Aus dem Englischen und Franzòsischen ùbersetzt … mit Einigen Anmerkungen versehen von G.T. Wenzel. 1787. Philosophical and Miscellaneous Papers. Lately written by B. Franklin. Cause And Effect Thesis Builder. London. [Ed. Bancroft.] 1793. Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin. Consisting of thesis in communication skills, His Life Written by Himself, together with Essays, Humorous, Moral, & Literary. Chiefly in the Manner of The Spectator. In two Volumes …. London [Ed. by Vaughan, Benjamin]. See Ford, P. Cause And Effect Thesis. L., Franklin Bibliography, Brooklyn, 1899, for a list of editions which are “practically reproductions” of the above. Franklin 1806. The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, now first collected and arranged with Memoirs of his early life, written by himself. In Three Volumes …. London. [Ed. by Marshall.] 2d ed. [1811] 1818. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin …. Written by himself to a late period, and continued to the time of his death, by his Grandson; William Temple Franklin. Now first published from the original MSS. Comprising the Private Correspondence and Public Negotiations of Dr. Franklin, and a selection from his Political, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous Works. London. Goldwater Essay. 3 vols. 4to. [Ford gives on the authority of Sabin an octavo issue in 6 vols., but doubts whether the first edition was so issued. “This is the first publication of any of the autobiography as written by cause, Franklin, and classification essay, of the cause and effect builder third part in any form. It is followed by a continuation which is of great value.” Ford.] 2d and 3d eds. Student. 6 vols. London, 1818. French translation of a part of the edition in Memoires sur la Vie et les Ècrits de Benjamin Franklin. Paris, 1817–1819; German translation, 1817–1819, Weimar; 1829, Kiel; 1833, London. Vols. v and vi of the second edition, The Posthumous and Other Writings of Benjamin Franklin …. London, 1819, in 2 vols. 2d ed. London, 1819. 3d ed. London, 1819. 1818. The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, in cause thesis, Philosophy, Politics and Morals: containing, beside all the Writings published in goldwater scholarship, former collections, his diplomatic correspondence … a variety of literary articles, and Epistolary correspondence, never before published: with Memoirs and anecdotes of his life. Vol. Cause. II. Philadelphia: Printed and published by William Duane. 1809. 6 vols. Vol. I, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … continued to the time of his death by his Grandson, William Temple Franklin. … Philadelphia, 1818. [“The editor added many pieces to what had hitherto been printed as Franklin’s, derived almost wholly from the books and compare and contrast essay block style, MSS. which came into his possession by his marriage with the widow of Benjamin Franklin Bache.” Ford.] An Augmented Edition with a Postliminious Preface was published in Philadelphia, 1834. New York, 1845, 1859, 1861. 1840. The Works of and effect, Benjamin Franklin; containing several political and historical tracts not included in any former edition, and many letters official and private not hitherto published; with notes and a life of the author. By Jared Sparks.—Boston. 10 vols. Later editions: Boston, 1856; London, 1882. [“Mr. Sparks added some six hundred and fifty pieces to what had before been printed in editions of Franklin’s writings, with many long and scholarly notes, which in spite of succeeding editions still makes this among the most valuable.” Ford.] 1889. The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin including his private as well as his official and student dissertations, scientific correspondence, and numerous letters and documents not included in any former collection, also the unmutilated and cause builder, correct version of his autobiography, compiled and edited by John Bigelow.—New York. Classification Essay. 10 vols. [“Mr. Cause And Effect Thesis Builder. Bigelow has not only list ged essay prompts corrected many of Mr. Sparks’s errors, but has added some six hundred new pieces to what had hitherto been printed as Franklin’s.” Ford.] 1905. The Writings of Benjamin Franklin collected and edited with a life and introduction by Albert Henry Smyth.—New York. Reprinted, 1907. [“385 letters and 40 articles not previously printed by any editor, all of which are from the pen of Franklin.” In spite of an avowed endeavour “to make the present edition as complete and as accurate as human industry can make it,” Smyth deliberately omitted certain pieces which he held unworthy of Franklin’s moral and literary character.] [1726.] Journal of Occurrences in my Voyage to Philadelphia …. (Printed by cause and effect thesis builder, A.H. Smyth from a transcript in the library of Congress. Journal extends from 22 July, to 11 Oct., 1726.) [1728.] Rules For a Club Established For Mutual Improvement (Title from Smyth). 1728. Articles of Belief and Acts Of Religion …. Philadelphia. 1729. A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper-Currency. … Philadelphia. 1735. Cato’s Moral Distiches Englished in Couplets. Philadelphia. (Intro-duction by Franklin.) 1735. A Defense of the Rev. Mr. Hemphill’s Observations …. Philadelphia. 1735. A Letter to a Friend in the Country, Containing the Substance of a Sermon Preach’d at student dissertations, Philadelphia in the Congregation of the Rev. Mr. Hemphill. … Philadelphia. Some Observations on the Proceedings against the Rev. Mr. Hemphill. … Philadelphia, second ed., 1735. [1743.] A Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge among the cause thesis builder British Planta-tions in America. [Philadelphia.] 1744. An Account of the thesis in communication New-Invented Pennsylvanian Fire Places …. Phila-delphia. 1744. M. T. Cicero’s Cato Major, or his Discourse of Old Age …. Philadelphia. [Introduction by Franklin.] Reprinted: Glasgow, 1751. Philadelphia, 1758. Glasgow, 1758. London, 1778. Philadelphia, [1809]. 1746. Reflections on Courtship and Marriage …. Philadelphia, Edinburgh, 1750. Philadelphia, 1758. n.p., 1759. 1747. Plain Truth, or Serious Considerations on the Present State of the City of Philadelphia, and Province of Pennsylvania. By a Tradesman of Philadelphia …. [Philadelphia]; German translation [1747]. 1749. Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in cause builder, Pensilvania. Phila-delphia. 1751. Compare And Contrast Essay. Experiments and Observation on Electricity made at and effect thesis builder, Philadelphia in America. By Mr. Benjamin Franklin …. List Prompts. Communicated in several letters to P. Collinson …. London, 2d ed. Cause And Effect Builder. London, 1754. Essay. 3d ed., London, 1760. French translation, Paris, 1752. “Second Edition,” Paris, 1756. German translation, Leipzig, 1758. 1751. Idea of the English School, Sketch’d out for the Consideration of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Academy. Philadelphia. (Printed as appendix to “A Sermon on Education” by Richard Peters.) 1751. The Importance of Gaining and Preserving the Friendship of the Indians. …. New York. (Letter appended attributed to Franklin.) London, 1751. [1751.] Observations on the late and present Conduct of the French …. To which is added, wrote by another hand [Franklin]: Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, Etc. Boston, 1755. Reprinted, London, 1755. (The Observations were written in 1751.) 1753. Supplemental Experiments and Observations on Electricity, Part II, made at Philadelphia in America …. London. 2d ed. London, 1754. 3d. ed. 1762. 1754. New Experiments and Observations on cause thesis builder, Electricity …. Part III, London. 4th ed. 1765. 1754. Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital …. Philadelphia. Reprinted with continuation. Philadelphia, 1817. [1754–6?] Plan For Settling Two Western Colonies in North America. (See Smyth’s ed., vol. III, pp. 358 ff.) 1757. An Abridgement of Mr. Hopkins’ Historical Memoirs …. Philadelphia. (Introduction by Franklin.) [1757.] Poor Richard Improved …. Philadelphia. In Communication Skills. [Contains the collection of proverbs later issued separately as “Father Abraham’s Speech,” “The Way to Wealth,” etc. Ford, who does not profess to have made an exhaustive list, records over one hundred and fifty editions and reprints of the speech.] 1759. Cause And Effect Thesis. An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania …. London. Included in the editions of Duane and list ged essay prompts, Sparks. Reissued separately by Duane, Philadelphia, 1808. Philadelphia, 1812, reissue of and effect thesis builder, 1st ed. 1759. Some Account of the Success of compare, Inoculation for the Small-Pox …. London. [1759?] [Parable Against Persecution] Second version, London, 176–? [London, 1793].—German translation, Dessau, 1855. 1759. A True and Impartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania … Philadelphia. 1760. The Interest of Great Britain Considered with Regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. To which are added, Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind …. London. 2d ed., London, 1761. Reprinted, Boston, 1760. 2d ed., 1760. Philadelphia, 1760. Cause. Dublin, 1760. 1764. Cool Thoughts on the Present Situation of our Public Affairs …. Philadelphia. Printed by W. Dunlap; also, the same date, Printed by A. Stewart. 1764. A Narrative of the late Massacres in Lancaster County …. [Philadelphia]; translated into German the same year. 1764. [A Petition to the King.] 1764. Remarks on a late Protest against the Appointment of Mr. Franklin An Agent for this Province. Compare Essay Style. [Philadelphia.] German translation, [Germantown, 1764.] 1764. The Speech of Joseph Galloway, Esq …. [Preface by Franklin], Philadelphia, 2d ed., Philadelphia, 1764. London, 1765. German translation. Philadelphia, 1764. [1766.] The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin …. [London, 1766]; another edition [London], with date 1767; [Philadelphia, 1766]; [New York, 1766]; [Boston, 1766?]; Williamsburg, 1766; Boston, 1766; [New London, 1766]; Strasbourg, [1767], (French translation); German translation, Philadelphia, 1766. Cause And Effect Thesis. Also published in several collections of tracts; see Ford,p. 133. 1766. Physical and Meteorological Observations and Suppositions …. Read at the Royal Society, June 3, 1756. London. (Originally printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society.) 1768. The Art of Swimming …. To which are added … An Advice to Bathers by the late Celebrated Dr. Benjamin Franklin. London, New York, 1818. London, 1854. 1768. The True Sentiments of America contained in a Collection of ae publications writing, Letters. … London. Contains Franklin’s Causes of the American Discontents before 1768. 1768. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania [John Dickinson]. …. London. Preface to this ed. by Franklin. French translation, Paris, 1769. 1769. And Effect Builder. Experiments and Observations on Electricity …. To which are added, Letters on Philosophical Subjects. The Whole corrected, methodized, improved, and now first collected into one Volume …. London. 1770. Block. Letters to the Merchants Committee of Philadelphia, submitted to the Consideration of the Public. [Philadelphia, 1770.] (Contains letters of Franklin dated 1769.) 1771. [Plan for cause and effect thesis builder benefiting distant unprovided countries. By Alexander Dal-rymple and Benjamin Franklin.] 1772. Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations of the Honourable Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent and classification books, Samuel Wharton …. With Observations and Remarks. London. [The editors of Franklin’s works attribute the Observations to Franklin; Professor C.W. Alvord, in the [New York] Nation, 20 Aug., 1914, argues that the author was Samuel Wharton.] 1772. Two letters, addressed to the Right Rev. Prelates, who a second Time rejected the Dissenters’ Bill. London. (Franklin’s “Letter concerning persecutions in former Ages” appended.) 1773. Thesis Builder. Abridgement of the Book of Common Prayer …. In Communication Skills. London. (Preface and abridgement of Catechism and Psalms by Franklin.) [1773.] Rules for Reducing a Great Empire to a Small One …. London. (Public Advertiser, Oct., 1773.) 1773. The Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Boston. London. (Preface by Franklin.) 1774. Considerations on the Agreement of the and effect builder Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury with the Honourable Thomas Walpole and skills, his Associates. … London. 1774. Experiments and Observations on thesis builder, Electricity … To which are added, Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects. The whole corrected, methodized, improved, and now collected into one Volume …. The Fifth Edition. London. 1774. Of the Stilling of Waves by means of Oil; extracted from and contrast essay block Sundry Letters. … London. 1774. Principles of Trade [by George Whately] …. Second Edition corrected and enlarged …. London. (Notes by Franklin.) 1774. Cause And Effect Thesis. Scelta di Lettere e di Opuscoli …. Milan. 1775. Additions to Common Sense …. London. (Contains Franklin’s “Proposals for a Confederation of the United Colonies.”) 1778. [Franklin to Madame Helvètius. Two editions. Passy.] 1779. Remarks on the Rescript of the Court of Madrid … To which is added an appendix, containing … A Memorial of Dr. Franklin to thesis in communication skills, the Court of Versailles …. London. [1778 written.] [The Ephemera; an emblem of Human Life. Passy.] (Re printed in American Museum, Oct., 1790.) 1779. [The Whistle …. Passy]; Burlington, 1792. London, 1793. Paris, 1795, 1798. London, 1806, 1818. [1779.] [The Morals of Chess. And Effect Thesis. Passy.] London, 1797. Philadelphia, 1802. London, 1809, 1816, 1820. Philadelphia, 1824. Boston, 1841. [1780.] [Dialogue Between Franklin And The Gout. In French and in English. Passy.] Paris, 1795, 1798. London, 1806. [1781?] [The Handsome And The Deformed Leg. In French. Passy.] 1782. Numb. 705. Supplement To The Boston Independent Chronicle. Essay. Boston, March 12. Extract of a Letter from Capt. Gerrish, of the New-England Militia. (First Passy edition, folio sheet printed on one side.) Numb. 705. And Effect. Supplement To The Boston Independent Chronicle. Boston March 12. Extract of a Letter from Capt. Gerrish …. [Also a copy of a Letter from Commodore Jones directed to Sir Joseph York.] (Second Passy edition, folio sheet printed on both sides. This edition was reproduced on a folio sheet inserted in Duane’s edition of Franklin’s works with the following heading: “Volume VII. Number 1095. Supplement to the Boston Chronicle. Monday, March 13, 1782.” This heading was erroneously given by Ford as that of the Passy edition.) 1782. Opere Filosofiche di Beniamino Franklin …. Padua. 1784. [Avis à ceux qui voudraient s’en aller en Amèrique. In French and in English. Passy.] Hamburg, 1786. London, 1794. London, 1796. German, [n.p. 179–?]. 1784. Exposè des Expèriences qui ont ètè faites pour l’Examen du Magnètisme Animal. Lu à l’Acadèmie de Sciences, par M. Bailly, en son nom & au nom du M.M. Franklin, Le Roy, De Bourg & Lavoisier, le 4 Septembre 1784, … Paris. Reprinted, Paris, 1784. 1784. Rapport des Commissaires chargès par le Roi de l’Examen du Magnètisme Animal …. Paris, Reprinted, Paris, 1784. London, 1785. Philadelphia, 1837, and 2d ed., 1837. 1784. [Remarks concerning the Savages of North America. In French and in English. Passy.] Birmingham, 1784. Paris, 1794. 1784. Two Tracts: Information to those who would remove to America, and, Remarks concerning the Savages of North America. By Dr. Benjamin Franklin. London. 2d and 3d eds., 1784. Dublin, 1784. Padua, 1785. 1785. Maritime Observations …. Philadelphia. Paris, 1787. London, 1787. 1785. Observations on the Causes and Cure of Smoky Chimneys …. Philadelphia. London, 1787. 2d ed. 1785. Another, 1793. 1785. Observations on a late publication intituled Thoughts on Executive Justice. To which is added A Letter concerning Remarks on the same work [by Franklin] …. London. [1786.] Description of a new stove for burning of pitcoal [read at a meeting of the American Philosophical Society, Jan. 28, 1786. Published in the Transactions, II, 57.] 1787. Avis aux Faiseurs de Constitutions. Par M. Benjamin Franklin. [Paris.] This work was composed at four different times: I. From 1706 to 1731 at Twyford in books essay, 1771. II. From 1731 at Passy in 1784. III. From 1731 to 1757 at Philadelphia in 1788. IV. From 1757 to 1759 at Philadelphia in 1789. Part I in French translation was printed at Paris in cause and effect thesis builder, 1791—the first appearance in print of any portion of the autobiography. Part II was first printed in La Decade for February, 1798, and thence reprinted in Castèra’s edition of Franklin’s writings, 1798. Part III appeared first in W. T. Franklin’s edition—the first edition of the autobiography as written by Franklin. Part IV first appeared in Renouard’s edition of the writings, Paris, 1828. Student. The complete work as Franklin wrote it was first published by Bigelow in 1868. Continuations were supplied to the Paris edition of 1791 by Gibelin; by the editor of the Private Life, London, 1793; by cause, Vaughan (from Stuber’s biography) in the Works, London, 1793; by Weems in 1815; by student, W. T. And Effect Thesis. Franklin in the Memoirs, London, 1818; by the editor of the Edinburgh ed. of 1838; by Jared Sparks in 1840; by Weld in 1848; by compare and contrast block style, Bigelow in Philadelphia, 1874; by H. E. Scudder in Riverside Literature Series, 1886; by D. H. Montgomery, Boston, 1888. By William MacDonald in the Temple Autobiographies Series, London, 1905. 1787. Mèmoires de la Vie Privèe de Benjamin Franklin, Ècrits par lui-mème et addressès à son fils …. Paris. [Many later editions. See Ford, P.L., Franklin Bibliography.] 1817. Corrèspondance Inèdite et Secrète … Publièe pour la première fois en France …. Paris. 2 vols. And Effect Thesis Builder. (Taken from scholarship vols. v and vi of Duane’s ed. of the Works. 1817. The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin … Now first published from the originals by his grandson William Temple Franklin. London. (Sold separately, but forms vol. III of the Works.) 4to. Another ed. in 2 Vols., 8vo, the same year; also a 2d and 3d ed. of the same in 1817. French translation, Paris, 1817. London, 1833. 1833. A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of cause thesis, Benjamin Franklin; now for the first time published. [By Jared Sparks.] Boston, 1833. London, 1833. 1722. The Dogood Papers. Fourteen communications signed “Silence Dogood” published fortnightly in creative writing, the New-England Courant, 2 Apr. to 8 Oct. Editorial Preface to the New-England Courant, No. 80. (Issue of 4–11, Feb.) (1728– 9) The Busy-Body. Cause Builder. Six numbers (1–5 and 8) contributed by Franklin to the American Weekly Mercury, 4, 11, 18, 25, Feb.; 5, 27, March. (1729) Preface to the Pennsylvania Gazette, 2 Oct. Announcement of student dissertations, Franklin’s editorial policy. (1730) A Dialogue Between Philocles And Horatio … Concerning Virtue and Pleasure. Penn. Gazette, 23 June. A Witch Trial At Mount Holly. Cause Thesis Builder. Penn. Gazette, 22 Oct. (1731) An Apology For Printers. Penn. Gazette, June. Thesis In Communication. (1732) Letter From Anthony Afterwit. Penn. Gazette, 10 July. Letter From Celia Single. Penn. Gazette, 24 July. Letter From Alice Addertongue. Thesis. Penn. Gazette, 12 Sept. (1732–1764) Prefaces to Poor Richard. Philadelphia. (1733) A Meditation On A Quart Mug. Penn. Gazette, 19 July. (1734–1735) Protection Of Towns From Fire. Penn. Gazette, 4 Feb. (1743) Shavers and Trimmers. Penn. Gazette, 23 June. To the Publick. Penn. Gazette, 30 June. A reply to criticisms on goldwater requirements, “Shavers and builder, Trimmers.” (1747) The Speech of Polly Baker. Gentleman’s Magazine, April. Style. (1751) Exporting of Felons to the Colonies. Penn. Gazette, 9 May. (1752) Electrical Kite. A letter to Peter Collinson. Printed. in Gentleman’s Magazine, Dec. [1754] Three Letters to Governor Shirley. Dated 17, 18, 22, Dec., 1754—first published in the London Chronicle, 6 and cause, 8 Feb., 1766. (1755) A Dialogue between X, Y, & Z concerning the present state of affairs in Pennsylvania. Penn. Gazette, 18 Dec. (1756) An Act for the better ordering and regulating such as are willing and desirous to be united for dissertations military purposes within the province of Pennsylvania. [Passed 25 Nov., 1755.] Gentleman’s Magazine, Feb. (1757) Report of the Committee of cause, Aggrievances of the Assembly of Pennsylvania. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, vol. Creative. iv, p. 697. [1758] Letter to James Bowdoin. On Chimneys, etc. Published in builder, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1786. Dated 2 Dec., 1758. [1760] To The Printer Of The London Chronicle. “Of the Meanes of disposing the Enemie to Peace.” (1764) Remarks on a particular militia bill rejected by the proprietor’s deputy, or governor (signed Veritas). Classification Essay. (1766) To the and effect Printer of the Public Advertiser, 2 Jan. On the Stamp Act. To the ae publications Printer of the Gazetteer, 2 Jan. On the Stamp Act. To the Printer of the Gazetteer, 14 Jan. On the Stamp Act. Cause And Effect Thesis. To the Printer of the Gazetteer, 15 Jan. On the Stamp Act. Letter Concerning the Gratitude of America. 6 Jan. (1767) Remarks and list ged essay prompts, Facts Concerning American Paper Money. Penn. Chronicle, June I. The Repeal of the Stamp Act. Cause Builder. Penn. Chronicle, 23 Mar. On Smuggling. Lond.Chronicle, 24 Nov. (1768) Causes of the American Discontents Before 1768. Lond. Chronicle, 7 Jan. To the Printer of the student Gazetteer, 8 Mar. Signed “New-England.” On the Labouring Poor. Gentleman’s Mag., April. To the Printer of the London Chronicle, 18 Aug. Queries, recommended to thesis builder, the Consideration of those Gentlemen who are for vigorous measures with the Americans. (1768) To the Printer of the London Public Advertiser. On the Difficulty of subduing the Colonies by arms. Signed N. N. 25 Aug. (1769) To the Printer of the London Chronicle, 9 May. Block. On the spirit and character of the Colonies. Signed “A New Englandman.” (1770) To The Craven-Street Gazette, 22–26 Sept. (1772) Toleration in Old England and New England. Lond. Packet 3 June. Cause. (1773) An Edict by block, the King of Prussia. Gentleman’s Magazine, Oct. Rules by which a Great Empire may be reduced to a small one. Gentleman’s Magazine, Sept. Letter to William Brownrigg. Philosophical Transactions, LXIV, 445. (1774) The Rise and Progress of the Differences between Great Britain and her American Colonies. Addressed to the Printer of the Public Advertiser. On a Proposed Act of Parliament for Preventing Emigration. To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. [1777] [The Sale of the Hessians.] From the Count De Schaumbergh to the Baron Hohendorf (dated at Rome, 18 Feb.—date and place of thesis builder, first publications unknown). Vindication and Offer From Congress to Parliament. Public Advertiser, 18 July. (1784) A Letter from China. Dated 5 May—published in The Repository, May, 1788. Meteorological Imaginations and Conjectures. Dated May—published in Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, vol.II, p. 357. (1788) To the Editors of the ae publications creative writing Pennsylvania Gazette. On the Abuse of the Press. To the Editor of the Federal Gazette. A comparison of the and effect thesis conduct of the ancient Jews and of the anti-Federalists in the United States of America. (1789) An Account of the Supremest Court of Judicature in Pennsylvania, viz. The Court of the Press. List Prompts. Federal Gazette, 12 Sept. (1790) To the Editor of the Federal Gazette. On the Slave-Trade. [Dated 23 Mar.] C. Biographical and Critical. Bigelow, John. Franklin’s Home and cause and effect thesis, Host in France. Century Mag. Vol. 13, Mar., 1888. vol. 1–29. Bolton, S. K. Famous American Statesmen. 1888. Brooks, E. S. True Story of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1898. Brougham, H. In Statesmen, Ser. I. vol. 3. London, 1839. Chaplin, Jeremiah. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1876. Chasles, V.E.P. Franklin, Rèvue des deux Mondes. 4 ser. v. 26. Student. 1841. Choate, J.H. Abraham Lincoln, and other Addresses. 1910. Condorcet, M.J.A.N.C., Marquis de. Èloge de M. Franklin lu à la sèance publique de l’Acadèmie des Sciences, le 13 Nov., 1790. Paris, 1791. Also in and effect, his Œuvres, vol.3. Paris, 1847–49. Duane, W. J. (Editor). Letters to Benjamin Franklin from his Family and Friends, 1751–1790. 1859. Dudley, E. Essay Style. L. Benjamin Franklin. 1915. (True Stories of Great Americans.) Draper, J.W. Franklin’s place in the science of the last century. Harper’s Mag. Vol. 61 July, 1880. Elsner, C.H. Befreiungskampf der Nord-Amerikanischen Staaten. Mit den Lebensbeschreibungen der vier berùhmtesten Mànner derselben … Stuttgart, 1835. Fauchnet, Claude. Èloge Civique de Benjamin Franklin, Prononcè le 21 Juillet, 1790, dans la Rotonde, au nom de la Commune de Paris. Cause And Effect Thesis Builder. Paris, 1790, Fisher, S. G. The True Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia, 1899. Ford, P. L. Franklin Bibliography. Brooklyn, 1889. The Many-Sided Frank-lin. 1899. Forster, John. Critical Essays. Prompts. Vol.2. London, 1856. Franklin, Joseph and Headington, J. A. Life and and effect thesis builder, Times of Benjamin Franklin.4th ed. St. Essay Block Style. Louis, 1880. Green, S. A. The Story of a Famous Book: An Account of Dr. Benjamin Frank-lin’s Autobiography. Boston, 1871. Grolier club. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorating the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of cause thesis builder, Benjamin Franklin. 1906. Hale, E. E. and E. E., Jr. Franklin in France; from original documents most of which are now published for the first time. 2 vols. Boston, 1887–8. Hart, C. H. Franklin in Allegory. Century Mag. Vol. 19. Dec., 1890. Hill, G.C. Benjamin Franklin. A Biography. Philadelphia, 1865, 1884. Hubert, P. G., Jr. Inventors. 1893. Hughes, Thomas. List Prompts. Benjamin Franklin. And Effect Builder. Contemporary Review. Vol. Classification. 35. July, 1879. Hutchins, Samuel. Benjamin Franklin. Cambridge, 1852. Jackson, M. K. Outlines of the Literary History of Colonial Pennsylvania. Lancaster, 1906. Jastrow, Morris, Jr. Frankliniana in the University [of Pennsylvania] Library. Philadelphia, 1906. (In Rosengarten, J. G. Franklin and the University [of Pennsylvania] Philadelphia, 1906.) (Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Alumni Register, Feb.–Mar. Cause Thesis. 1906.) Kell, Julius. Lebensbeschreibung B. Franklin's des thatkràftigen Mannes und freisinnigen Volksfreundes. Leipzig, 1843. Lascaux, Paul de. Benjamin Franklin [In Bibliothèque de la librairie des livres utiles]. Paris, 1863. Mirecourt, 1864. Livingston, L. S. Franklin and his Press at Passy. 1914. Lodge, H. C. A Frontier Town and ae publications creative writing, Other Essays. 1906. Lord, John. American Statesmen. 1894. (In his Beacon Lights of history. 1884–96. Vol.7.) Marble, Mrs. A.R. And Effect Builder. Heralds of American Literature. Chicago, 1907. Bolton, S. K. Famous American Statesmen. 1888. Brooks, E. Classification Books Essay. S. Cause And Effect Builder. True Story of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1898. Brougham, H. In Statesmen, Ser. I, vol. 3. London, 1839. Chaplin, Jeremiah. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1876. Chasles, V. E. P. Franklin. Rèvue des deux Mondes. 4 ser. v. 26. 1841. Choate, J. Student. H. Abraham Lincoln, and other Addresses. 1910. Condorcet, M. J. A. And Effect Builder. N. C., Marquis de. Èloge de M. Franklin lu á la sèance publique de 1'Acadèmie des Sciences, le 13 Nov., 1790. Paris, 1791. Requirements. Also in his ÇEuvres, vol. 3. Paris, 1847–49. Duane, W. J. (Editor). Letters to Benjamin Franklin from his Family and Friends, 1751–1790. 1859. Dudley, E. L. Benjamin Franklin. 1915. (True Stories of Great Americans.) Draper, J. W. Franklin's place in the science of the last century. Thesis Builder. Harper's Mag. Vol. 61. July, 1880. Elsner, C. H. Befreiungskampf der Nord–Amerikanischen Staaten. Mit den Lebensbeschreibungen der vier berühmtesten Männer derselben &hellip Stuttgart, 1835. Fauchet, Claude. Èloge Civique de Benjamin Franklin, Prononcè 1e 21 Juillet, 1790, dans la Rotonde, au nom de la Commune de Paris. Paris, 1790. Fisher, S. G. The True Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia, 1899. Ford, P. L. Franklin Bibliography. Brooklyn, 1889. The Many–Sided Franklin. 1899. Forster, John. Critical Essays. Vol. 2. London, 1856. Franklin, Joseph and Headington, J. A. Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. 4th ed. St. Louis, 1880. Green, S. A. The Story of a Famous Book: An Account of Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. Boston, 1871. Grolier club. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorating the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. 1906. Hale, E. E. and E. E., Jr. Franklin in France; from original documents most of which are now published for the first time. 2 vols. Boston, 1887–8. Hart, C. H. Franklin in Allegory. Century Mag. Vol. 19. Dec., 1890. Hill, G. Compare And Contrast. C. Benjamin Franklin. A Biography. Cause And Effect. Philadelphia, 1865, 1884. Hubert, P. G., Jr. Inventors. 1893. Hughes, Thomas. Benjamin Franklin. Contemporary Review. Vol. 35. July, 1879. Hutchins, Samuel. Student Dissertations. Benjamin Franklin. Cambridge, 1852. Jackson, M. K. Outlines of the Literary History of Colonial Pennsylvania. Lancaster, 1906. Jastrow, Morris, Jr. Frankliniana in the University [of Pennsylvania] Library. Philadelphia, 1906. (In Rosengarten, J. G. Builder. Franklin and the University [of Pennsylvania] Philadelphia, 1906.) (Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Alumni Register, Feb.–Mar. 1906.) Kell, Julius. Lebensbeschreibung B. Franklin's des thatkräftigen Mannes und freisinnigen Volksfreundes. Leipzig, 1843. Lascaux, Paul de. Benjamin Franklin [In Bibliothéque de la librairie des livres utiles]. Compare And Contrast Essay Block. Paris, 1863. Mirecourt, 1864. Livingston, L. S. Franklin and cause thesis builder, his Press at Passy. 1914. Lodge, H. C. A Frontier Town and ae publications creative, Other Essays. 1906. Lord, John. American Statesmen. Cause And Effect Thesis. 1894. Essay Block Style. (In his Beacon Lights of history. 1884–96. Vol. 7.) Marble, Mrs. A. R. Heralds of American Literature. Chicago, 1907. McMaster, J. Cause And Effect. B. Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters. Boston, 1887. Thesis Skills. Franklin in France. Atlantic Monthly. Vol. 60. Sept., 1887. More, P. E. Benjamin Franklin (Riverside Biog. Ser.). Boston, 1900. Morse, J. T., jr. Benjamin Franklin. (American Statesman Ser.) Boston, 1889. Parker, Theodore. Historic Americans. (In his Collected works. 1866–71, vol. 13, pp. 11-57.) Parton, James. Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. 2 vols. 1864. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Portraits of Franklin, vol. II. p. 173. 1887. Excerpts from the cause thesis builder papers of Dr. Benjamin Rush. Conversations with Dr. Franklin. Vol. 29, pp. 23–30. 1905. Record of the Celebration of the Two Hundreth Anniversary of the Birth of Benjamin Franklin, under the Auspices of the American Philosophical Society…. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1906–1908. (Vols. 2–6 contain the Calender of the ged essay papers of F. in the library of the American Philosophical Society, ed. Hays. I. M.) Robins, Edward. Benjamin Franklin, printer, statesman, philosopher and cause and effect thesis, practical citizen [American Men of classification books essay, Energy]. 1896. Rosengarten, J. G. Cause. American History from German Archives, with reference to the German soldiers in the Revolution and Franklin's visit to Germany. Writing. 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